West Coaster 2009 - Britians (1 Viewer)

Cheers Carlos, those are great shots.

I don't collect them, but that matt Durbar set looks phenom...phinomi...fenomina...flipping ace! Brilliant paint and sculpting.

Liking the Airborne figure and the Stg44 German as well.

Can anyone tell me why Britains figures have the brown bit painted on the side of all of their MP38/40 SMGs? Genuinely curious, as I have never seen this on the actual weapons.

Thanks again Carlos

Once again Carlos that magic camera of yours has provided us with another group of photos bringing us to the West Coasters and thanks for bringing us into Richard's room.........The Lt.
Wraith- I believe that brown part is the plastic side piece. I have seen this in brown on several actual MP38/40's. Have also seen one in a deep brownish/black. -- lancer
Wraith- I believe that brown part is the plastic side piece. I have seen this in brown on several actual MP38/40's. Have also seen one in a deep brownish/black. -- lancer

Many thanks for that. I'll have to pay more attention when I get to see the real things / repros.

Hi Carlos,

Thank you so much for those great pictures of Richard's room. The Durbar elephant is especially impressive to me. Were there other Durbar items on display in addition to the elephant? I know Britains plans to release several Durbar sets during the coming summer months and I am anxious to see these new figures.

Again, thanks for taking the time to photograph Richard's room and for being thoughtful enough to share the photos with us!

Warmest personal regards,

Pat :)
Carlos thank you for sharing your photos of richards room set up :D the durbar elephant is spectacular i had the pleasure of seeing it at the london show a true master piece
Wraith and Lancer, the brown piece on the MP38/40 is a hand guard made out of a form of bakelite and can be found in colors that will be either brown or black. The guard actually reaches around and underneath the weapon from the magazine to the pistol grip. It is put there to provide a insulated method to hold the weapon where it is less likely to cause jams when firing. The prevented jams usually occurred by holding the magazine or by grabbing the barrel which is also painful (personal experience). It also helps with field stripping the weapon to clear jams, cleaning, etc.

Hope this helps.
It does! Many thanks for the info. I guess I must have only seen them in black, which is why the Britains ones stood out to me.

Wraith and Lancer, the brown piece on the MP38/40 is a hand guard made out of a form of bakelite and can be found in colors that will be either brown or black. The guard actually reaches around and underneath the weapon from the magazine to the pistol grip. It is put there to provide a insulated method to hold the weapon where it is less likely to cause jams when firing. The prevented jams usually occurred by holding the magazine or by grabbing the barrel which is also painful (personal experience). It also helps with field stripping the weapon to clear jams, cleaning, etc.

Hope this helps.
7thOVI- thanks. Icould not remember "bakelite" so I said plastic. I also accidently grabbed the MP40 barrel, once. On the examples I have handled or fired, the guards and grips never matched up in color. The guards were usually brown and the grips mainly black. Was a thrill shooting a piece of history. -- lancer
Lancer, I agree it was always a thrill to shoot a piece of history. As a good friend of mine use to say, "it was more fun than stomping eggs." I have not seen many MP38/40's with all original parts but the few I have seen all have had the mismatched color grips and guards.

Well, back to the 19th century...

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