What Else Can One Do with a Battle Scarred Building (SP065)? (1 Viewer)

Nov 18, 2012
Hi all,

A few of you have mentioned K&C's new building, SP065 and how it's a great piece and very versatile.

I have to agree and it can be used in yet another scene...

How about an old building on the docks; making the perfect backdrop for a Kriegsmarine port.

Kriegsmarine Port (1) by Western Outlaw, on Flickr

I actually just wanted to try it out but ended up really liking how it added a whole new dimension to K&C's Jetty. Unfortunately I had to lose the side wall. Still contemplating decal selection and placement.
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This is a very nice scene .Indeed a very useful building for any diorama
Looks good up on the wharf, never thought of doing that. Certainly has lots of possibilities. Nice pickup.:salute::, Robin.
Hi all,

A few of you have mentioned K&C's new building, SP065 and how it's a great piece and very versatile.

I have to agree and it can be used in yet another scene...

How about an old building on the docks; making the perfect backdrop for a Kriegsmarine port.

Kriegsmarine Port (1) by Western Outlaw, on Flickr

I actually just wanted to try it out but ended up really liking how it added a whole new dimension to K&C's Jetty. Unfortunately I had to lose the side wall. Still contemplating decal selection and placement.

The side wall is removable ?

Yes Wayne, the small side wall slots in and gives the structure stability, although it does stand by itself. The two doors can be removed. Really versatile structure. Robin.
that looks very nice!
Thanks Mike

Indeed a very useful building for any diorama
Thanks Guy; it really is.

Looks good up on the wharf, never thought of doing that. Certainly has lots of possibilities. Nice pickup.
Thanks Robin. I just wanted to see if it would look but then really liked the placement.

The side wall is removable ?
Yes; as Robin mentioned, it has two slots that just slide into the main structure. The main wall/building is wide enough that it stands freely without it.

My only gripe is the doors which are difficult to open and close due to how close they are. I had to really fiddle with them to get them close.

As others have mentioned, it provides a lot of versatility for various scenes.
Yes Wayne, the small side wall slots in and gives the structure stability, although it does stand by itself. The two doors can be removed. Really versatile structure. Robin.

Robin, Thanks for the info, as I also have the full Jetty & Bridge setup that I was wanting to add this building .

As a matter of interest, my doors on the building fit very well, although there is a knack in closing them. I think one door prefers to go first and at the last second, push both together at the same time and they close. Tend to leave doors on all my buildings left in the one position indefinitely, so no issue anyway. Robin.
As a matter of interest, my doors on the building fit very well, although there is a knack in closing them. I think one door prefers to go first and at the last second, push both together at the same time and they close. Tend to leave doors on all my buildings left in the one position indefinitely, so no issue anyway. Robin.

my doors also open and close perfectly...

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