What if?-US Civil War Tanks (1 Viewer)

Suggested reading

Guns of the South by H Turtledove

He aslo wrote a serie of books about the simultaneous invasion of a specie from outerspace during WW2 ( lot of fun ) and sticking to the time line .
Worldwar tetralogy
In the Balance (1994)
Tilting the Balance (1995)
Upsetting the Balance (1996)
Striking the Balance (1996)
Colonization trilogy
Second Contact (1999)
Down to Earth (2000)
Aftershocks (2001)
Homeward Bound (2004)
Interesting article. The author's point-that the bits of technology necessary to produce a tank were present, just no one thought of putting them together in that way, reminds me of the British journalist and science historian James Burke's series, "Connections", and "The Day the Universe Changed." Especially in the latter series, there is a theme that advances occurred when the right components were all present, but someone needed to see putting them together in a new and different way.

Also read William Forstchen's "Lost Regiment" series of military sci-fi novels. The protagonists are a regiment of Union troops who are transported via a wormhole to a distant world, full of deadly hostile enemies. They apply their current knowledge of technology and eventually create steam-powered "land cruisers", among other weapons.

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