What is known about DEL PRADO (1 Viewer)



I have been collecting for a while now and I have had some experience searching the net for toy soldiers and accessories, but I know little to nothing about Del Prado figures. Are they compatible to K&C? Are they metal? Are they still made? Whats the deal? I am searching eBay for Napoleonics and I see line after line of Del Prado' but no description of size or what they are made of. They look O.K. but photographs do not do K&C justice, so would photographs distort Del Prado' as well? Are there any Del Prado collectors who can help me to understand these interesting looking figures :confused:
I don't have any Napoleonics so I can't see how they compare but I do have and have had (sold a few) for WW II. They are made by K & C, they are metal, and in some cases the detail is pretty comparable to the regular K & C. For instance the Canadian soldier was not that good. However, there was a German AK paratrooper that was pretty darn close to the AK issue. I also have the Royal Welch Fusileer and he goes so well with the new Tommies that I have them together. They are slightly bigger than K & C but not extraordinarily so. They are also in the same weight class.

Like I said, I haven't looked at the Napoleonics but there are plenty of auctions on Ebay UK, which is where I've bought mine and the sellers I've dealt with are very reliable so you might want to check those out.

Pierre sent me a magazine article that contained pictures of them and if you like I can send you a copy if you Pm me your address.
Use the search command at the top of the screen to search the forum for "Del Prado." You will get several threads: "Del Prado" has general discussion of the quality of the figures and mentions some forum members that have the figures; "Figures made by K&C?" has a link to pictures of a lot of Del Prado Napoleonics; and "Other figures done by K&C" mentions that a U.S. source of Del Prado is Paul Hermann of the Toy Soldier Shoppe. At Paul's room during the last Chicago show, I saw an assortment of Del Prado figures in the blister packaging w/o the magazine. He does not have a website but his telephone number 1-414-302-1850 and his e-mail is tsoldier@execpc.com. He is very nice, so do not hesitate to contact him.
You may want to browse through these ebay pages. There appear to be some good deals there.

Also, take a look at the Del Prado site, www.delprado.com
You can't buy from them but it's useful.
I have all 100 dismounted Del Prado Napoleonic figures on display at my house plus several mounted. They are for sale. If interested please contact me at moore@dls.net or by phone 815-356-7891.
I have the complete Men at War series, as Jazzeum said some are almost regular K&C quality, while others are lacking. I also have about 15 of the mounted and dismounted Napolianics. The few I have seem to be of a slightly overall better quality than the Men at War.
I,m currently waiting for 6 of the Hachette (also done by K&C) French Foreign Legion. Will report on those when they arrive.
There does seem to be a glut of DelPrado now on ebay.
When I was working on completing my MAW set, there was only 3 pages on ebay of DelPrado, now there is 15. So don,t overpay as I did on a few of them.
About a year ago I purchased on eBay a Del Prado Napoleonic figure--a British marine, if I recall correctly. It was a very nice figure, but too large to fit with my 54mm collection.

However, I also purchased--again on eBay--the two cannons that are part of the Napoleonic line. One was a British 6-pounder, and the other a French 12-pounder. They are very nice, and seem to fit my 54mm collection perfectly. The cannons come in bubble packs, with one pack each for the barrell, wheels, and chassis. Some dealers on eBay sell the cannons already assembled.

Del Prado will be available in the US from ONWTC. About 400 images will be posted on our site at the end of the month. The desciptions a pretty accurate, some go perfectly with the current K&C, earlier sculpts in that line go with Andy's earlier work... The pricing will be very fair compared to some of the pricing I have noticed here and there.
Hello Everyone,
I guess I need to clear up some things in regards to Del Prado. First please understand that this is a on going process and we are still working out all the kinks. After talking to some of you in NJ and via email I have gone back and done some negotiating in regards to the selling of Del Prado as single figures. First off please keep in mind the Del Prado is a company that sells series of just about anything they think people will collect. They are not a figure company. Figures are just one of many things they have produced so they don't really understand the toy soldier market. Anyway their main concern is offering the figures at a reasonable price and hopefully hooking new collectors. I hope the subscription service will work to do that. It may work and it may not. Either way I will have the figures to offer for the foreseeable future are there are large quantities still available of each one. As far as most of you go...you already have many of the figures and won't sign up for the subscription anyway and I have explained that to them. To make a long story short. We will be offering all figures as singles. They are going to cost a little more though. $19.95 for mounted and $ 14.95 for foot. This makes the subscription more attractive but the single figures still reasonably priced. All figures will include the corresponding books. Here is the catch...single figures will be sold in the same order as the subscription runs. In other words the in first month those figures will be available as singles, next month four more and so on. Once a figure is released it will be available on a ongoing basis. So it will take awhile for some figure to be available. This is the best I could do in regards to selling them as singles. I hope this will help the established collectors while allowing us to try and bring new collectors into the fold which has been my motivation in pursuing this line.

As to some questions about the figures themselves...it's no secret the King & Country manufactured these figures for Del Prado. They also designed and sculpted all of them. The Del Prado figures show the same quality progression that the K&C line itself has shown over the last couple of years. The earlier figures are not quite as nice as the later ones. The Men at Arms where done first, are a few years old and those resemble earlier K&C figures. As K&C improved their sculpting so the Del Prado line improved. The Napoleonic cavalry are as nice as anything thing in the current K&C line as far as I'm concerted. All figures are matt painting and the same as K&C figures in all regards including size. Please note that these figures are owned completely by Del Prado.

I will be glad to answer any more questions any of you have and also welcome comments, suggestions and ideas. Please keep in mind that it may take me a couple of days to respond at times. I have two young girls and they get most of free time. Please note that the company has expressed an interest in a future series and have asked about what could be done. Any thoughts or ideas?
Rick Berry
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Thanks Rick for answering some of the questions and responding to the concerns that both I and others have had in this forum. I can understand how profit is the determining factor in business decisions and that economys of scale are critical. I will be amoung those seeking the individual figures as they become available. It is just good to know how and when the sales are planned to occur. I also know that the best laid plans of mice and men oft-go-alay and that changes can and will occur in how I can get more stuff. I really like this stuff - see my "12 Step Recovery Program For Collectors" thread in the General Discussion section.

Again, thank you for your response to this issue and I think that others will agree that you have a very friendly and responsive customer relations program at work here. Michael:)
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Thanks Michael. If look at the listings (www.delpradousa.com) and count four per month... it will give you an idea of when a figure will be available. Also please keep in mind that we may be able to offer them sooner. It would be nice to offer them all at once and I'm still working on that. For now first figures should be available in early December. Biggest hurdle is storing everything.

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