what is the difference...XM02-04 vs. seperate sets (1 Viewer)


1st Lieutenant
Jan 7, 2013
What is the difference between XM02-04 (Eisenhower and three paratroopers) vs. DD029 Eisenhower and DD031 DDay Minus 1?

Is the only difference that XM02-04 came in one box?

I mentioned XM-02-04 the other day in our conversation and I thought it was the first Christmas set like the one that had recently sold on eBay for about $700...I can't search completed eBay listings from my mobile phone but remember it being 02 something...maybe XM-02?
yeah, I have XM-02-04, but looking around sagers site today I realized it is really just DD29 and DD31 together in a red box. I can't say where or how, but I got it for $180ish

XM02-01 is santa with a tree
XM02-03 British Guard
XM02-04 Eisenhower and 3 Paratroopers
XM02-05 Rommel and Standing Patrol
XM02-06 Montgomery and Hitler and Mussolini

I am not sure what XM02-02 is. Anyone know?
Don't believe there was an XM 02-02.

Aside from the box, there is no difference in any of these special sets from the regular issue. Probably just a marketing thing. Anyone who paid big bucks for these repackaged sets was taken to the cleaners.
Don't believe there was an XM 02-02.

Aside from the box, there is no difference in any of these special sets from the regular issue. Probably just a marketing thing. Anyone who paid big bucks for these repackaged sets was taken to the cleaners.
Taken to the cleaners...LOL...K&C packaging can be a big part of the appreciation for collecting as a whole and what was offered by K&C...if solely for display then yes it's irrelevant.
I would expect you to say that :rolleyes2: However, please, give me a break. Since when has packaging become the determinant of a set. No, it's the set, the figures.
Boxes have always been a big part to me and I like how you add the "determinant of reason"...maybe at one time Andy just had some left over red boxes...huh?
Maybe the toysoldierusa site should be updated under "specialty sets"...maybe it should be re-titled "sucker sets" :rolleyes2:
I think boxes are important and add to value but shouldn't be the sole determinant.

You referenced a $700 auction yesterday. I looked it up this morning and it was for the first Santa Claus. Although quite expensive, it is hard to find. However, it's not a re-packaging. Although I suppose to each his own, paying big money for a re-packaged set doesn't make sense to me unless you're a completist.
I think boxes are important and add to value but shouldn't be the sole determinant.

You referenced a $700 auction yesterday. I looked it up this morning and it was for the first Santa Claus. Although quite expensive, it is hard to find. However, it's not a re-packaging. Although I suppose to each his own, paying big money for a re-packaged set doesn't make sense to me unless you're a completist.
I desired that first Christmas set and had never seen it listed before...got that feeling I won't see another for quite some time!
I've never seen it either. I had the Napoleonic Santa and sold it, deciding that I had to cut in some areas. As I recall, it fetched over $500, quite unbelievable (in my opinion), so $700, in relative terms, doesn't seem out of the ordinary.

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