What Scale is 28mm? (1 Viewer)


Command Sergeant Major
Oct 7, 2010
With the introduction of the Collectors Showcase Battlefield line of 28MM figures and vehicles the question was asked: what is the scale? Many answers were offered but none were confirmed. Answers ranged from 1/64, 1/56,
1/50, 1/48 and 1/43. The Wargamers Forum comments indicate 1/56 is the scale that is equivalent to a 28mm figure.
28MM was thus an excellent strategic business decision by Brian Levy; as few competitors make WWII vehicles in this scale. I can only identify Hobby Master as making a 1/56 scale Tiger I, now out of production. The 1/50 scale Solido/Verem and Corgi lines of diecast armor may be close enough to work with 28mm figures. I will be interested to see a size comparison; I have always wanted some well done figures to go with my 1/50 scale armor collection. I hope the figures are oversize, than they coud work with my 1/48 Hobby Master King Tigers or perhaps even my 1/43 armored cars from Shuco! Great fun. Regards
28mm is more a size than a scale.Some measure a figure from the bottom of the feet to the top of the head,others to the eyes.You have large 28's and small 28's.It is very confusing.I have one 28 kneeling firing and he is taller than one standing up.Now scale is something different.You can measure weapons and vehicles accurately.
28mm is 1/56.....But in the miniature world figures are just called 28mm!
Regarding WW2 Vehicles they don't list them as 28mm but 1/56 {which is the correct size to fit with the figs}.
Also there are a few 28mm makers making Vehicles now the Perry's have some as they have moved into WW2 and Warlord games has just about everything
Under there BoltAction line!
They do not come painted....But tanks are pretty easy to paint!
Forgot to add these CS figures do look great and at a fair price!....Will have to keep an eye on this range.

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