What the Heck Happened? (1 Viewer)


1st Lieutenant
Sep 23, 2006
What's the deal with the new Ebay.com site:eek::confused:Whenever I go into the toy soldier section all I get is a bunch of pics and then I need to do all this picking list stuff to get it back to normal:confused:Anyone else really pissed about this:confused::eek::pIt's really confusing:eek::eek::confused::)
They're really screwing up the search facilities. This is supposed to make it easier, according to ebay. My a**e!
What's the deal with the new Ebay.com site:eek::confused:Whenever I go into the toy soldier section all I get is a bunch of pics and then I need to do all this picking list stuff to get it back to normal:confused:Anyone else really pissed about this:confused::eek::pIt's really confusing:eek::eek::confused::)

Yes, eBay is tinkering, where they probably don't need to tinker. What ever happened to the good, old Yankee wisdom, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it"?

Of course, that is at odds with another great trait in the American character, to tinker with things constantly.

Anyway, when you access your "My eBay" page, doublecheck to see if you see a line of text towards the upper-right corner, that says something about trying out the "new eBay experience". You may have gotten stuck in eBay's beta demo of their new page layouts and search functions. It can happen without actively choosing it; it happened to me already, I think when I navigated past one of those messages that they often throw up at you after you log in and you are navigating to your page.

If you are in the beta demo, there should be a link to send you back to the current production version.

This was a topic a little while ago (back in July, perhaps) among a couple of us eBay users, and we all seemed to hit these changes in the searches, all unwittingly, and I think everyone agreed that the changes do not make searching easier, but more complicated. For example, my categories were no longer functioning as categories, but as searches, retrieving about five times as many records than they did before (like auctions ending in months from the present).

And there may be something other than this beta demo taking place. I noticed the other night that my categories were no longer defaulting to "Ending earliest", but to "Best match". That was something I had seen when I fell into that beta demo, but this time, I wasn't in the demo. I had to edit the preferences on my categories to restore that sort preference to be a default.

Anyway, hope this might help, and that you're able to get your bearings again in that blasted site.

eBay is changing its search and listing "look and feel". I guess the eBay pioneered industry standard which is a huge traffic retainer just wasn't good enough anymore.

Way to go eBay.
I've just sent the following ms. to myebaybeta@ebay.com "I do wish whoever it is that has decided to muck about with the search would kindly soak their head(s).Please recall the old American maxim"if it ain't broke don't fix it".The search is becoming steadily less sensitive,inclusive and more unwieldy,requiring more steps (clicks) to achieve a less satisfying end is NOT an improvement.I spend several hours daily on site,enjoy eBay enormously,routinely run identical searches-which are becoming increasingly vexatious and unsatisfactory,and would be tickled pink simply to see the search function restored to its' former excellence.Thank you,Regards,John":rolleyes: Decided to leave out the invitation to come to Kansas for the unrestrained version:D,o.
This happened to me too about a month ago. I quickly hit the tag to get out of the Beta demo. It has not come up again. I did not like it and I hope it does not become a future method for us to use. I prefer the way we use Ebay now. Don't change it!:D
I've just sent the following ms. to myebaybeta@ebay.com...

Thanks for the tip, oldboy, I hadn't noticed a link to contact eBay with observations about the new release. I think I will send them a response, too. Typically, if enough users have similar complaints/concerns, a developer will make the changes. I encourage anyone else here who has seen/fallen into the beta version of the new site to contact eBay with your concerns.

Thanks for the tip, oldboy, I hadn't noticed a link to contact eBay with observations about the new release. I think I will send them a response, too. Typically, if enough users have similar complaints/concerns, a developer will make the changes. I encourage anyone else here who has seen/fallen into the beta version of the new site to contact eBay with your concerns.

The pleasure is mine & doubly so as the eBay trad look is back!Can't say whether or no it's cause & effect,but upon logging onto MyeBay this morn found the reassuring old(old yeller:D) look had returned,ran a search ;it automatically performed as per my former settings-I am indeed "tickled pink".The beta had gotten so pernicious that even when I "opted out" the format was still different and a search always based on "Best Match"(which seemed insulting) and even when I'd clicked "Newly Listed" the worldwide listings continued to appear as "Best Match" on the new page! It was a hydra,this beta, I found myself "opting out" a half dozen times daily.Presently the only sign of it is the single line encouraging me to try the new beta.Best Luck to all ,a little griping may be all it takes.o.

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