What time period is the most popular with FL collectors? (2 Viewers)


Dec 8, 2017
I've just recently become obsessed with collecting Napoleonic figures from FL, and was surprised to see that they made figures for so many different eras. Do people have a sense of what time periods are the most popular? Thanks
I think that Napoleon’s Europe is far and away their most popular range. I couldn’t say what is the next most popular but Ancient Rome wouldn’t surprise me.

You didn’t ask but all the subranges under the Thirty Years War are my favorites.

FL doesn’t make a bad range.
FL doesn’t make a bad range.

Agreed, they're like eye-candy. Ever since I started lining them up on my desk in front of my monitors I can't take my eyes off them. I'm glad I found this site, otherwise I'd think I was the only man in the world who was obsessed with tiny Napoleonic soldiers...
Agreed, they're like eye-candy. Ever since I started lining them up on my desk in front of my monitors I can't take my eyes off them. I'm glad I found this site, otherwise I'd think I was the only man in the world who was obsessed with tiny Napoleonic soldiers...

I have a small Napoleonic group but large Crusades, Rome and WW2

Probably depends on how you measure it, but Napoleonic, Rome and WW2 are the most expansive. If you group other ranges into Medieval that is a lot too.
I would say Napoleon's Europe and World War II are the most popular. I collect both the American Civil War and World War II ranges. I remember when the ACW line first came out Matt stated he wanted it to be their "second flagship range." I highly doubt that is still their goal...
Although I really like the WW2. My heart still belongs to the civil war.
I agree with Sammy: WWII does rule! But I am also very partial to their Ancient Greece range. They are fantastic figures!


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