What Zulu War range to collect? (1 Viewer)


Private 2
Jul 24, 2011
Any ideas on what's the best Zulu war range to collect? I like Conte's new releases, but they are a little on the pricey side.

Best Regards,
I have most of the Britains Zulu range and I can say they are excellent !!! I have been collecting for almost 4 years now and have enjoyed them very much.

I am sure the LT will chime in as he has many different makers of the Zulu period.

The best thing to do is go to a show, see the different makers and go with the ones that you like. Most people have their own favourite brand (I do), so see which style you like and buy them. Have a look at the various Zulu threads within this forum and see how some of the collectors mix and match and hopefully this may give you some ideas. But best of all enjoy buying and then displaying your own collection and maybe you can then upload your own photos.

Good luck mate,


PS I collect from three different manufactuers.
Rather than pick just one range, I collected three: Imperial Productions, Trophy of Wales, and Frontline Figures. All three are distinct and charming in their own way. I couldn't really pick one over another. Fortunately, I bought them back in "the good old days" when you could buy a set of six figures for $75 USD. Given today's prices, I could only afford to collect one range.
If you would like to collect glossy figures, Little Legion offers a wide selection of sets and figures.
There is also Soldiers of the World/Regal, which, I believe, offers their figures in matte or gloss. -- Al

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