Whats next for HB? (1 Viewer)


Command Sergeant Major
Apr 7, 2008
It seems like its been awhile since HB has released a new WWII set. I must say I'm not the most knowledgeable person when it comes to HB, but I do pick up a set here and there and just thought a new release would be out by now or at least word of a new release would be announced.
We are still working in the production of the American Winter medic team and Foxholes. We'll be shipping to dealers soon. So we'll have pictures of the 2 new sets as soon as we have all sets shipped, which will happen in 3 weeks or so.

I'll keep you posted :)

We are still working in the production of the American Winter medic team and Foxholes. We'll be shipping to dealers soon. So we'll have pictures of the 2 new sets as soon as we have all sets shipped, which will happen in 3 weeks or so.

I'll keep you posted :)


Thanks for the quick response. Glad to hear we can be expecting another release soon. Any hints :D
Thanks for the quick response. Glad to hear we can be expecting another release soon. Any hints :D

In an earlier post, Ana said "I can only tell you that one of the next 2 sets will be Italian, but I can't tell you exactly what they will be" after johngambale had suggested N.Africa Italian (BESERAGLIERI), Infantry.

In an earlier post, Ana said "I can only tell you that one of the next 2 sets will be Italian, but I can't tell you exactly what they will be" after johngambale had suggested N.Africa Italian (BESERAGLIERI), Infantry.


Thanks I must have missed that post.
It seems like its been awhile since HB has released a new WWII set. I must say I'm not the most knowledgeable person when it comes to HB, but I do pick up a set here and there and just thought a new release would be out by now or at least word of a new release would be announced.

I hope they are BATTLE FOR SICILY italians or RSI troops,, Cool uniforms!

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