Predictably it went downhill fast.
Politics is one of the few topics we don’t want discussed on the Treefrog board because it is so divisive.
So here, once again is a (not so gentle) reminder from the admin…
Keep your political views to yourself on the Treefrog forum.
What we want more of on the board:
“Wow! Bob collects Roger’s Rangers! I love Roger’s Rangers! What a small world. Hey look! He posted some pictures of his collection. What a great guy, that Bob, I think I’d like to get to know him better. Anyone who collects Roger’s Rangers must be a cool guy

. I think I’ll post some pictures of my Roger’s Rangers too and chat with Bob about our mutual interests.”
What we want less of on the board:
“Wow! Bob collects Roger’s Rangers! I love Roger’s Rangers! Hey look! He posted some pictures of his collection. Too bad Bob’s a (fill-in-the-blank flaming liberal, right wing extremist, etc. etc.)

I think I’ll put aside talking about toy soldiers for awhile and instead I’ll post a flame about ol’ Bob and his misguided political agenda and help him see the error of his ways by spending the rest of the evening expounding on my own brilliant political ideas. I’m sure he’ll change his mind and see it my way once I show him (and all the other forum members) what a complete idiot he is for thinking what he thinks.”