Who will you leave your collection to??? (2 Viewers)

steel wheels

Nov 6, 2007
Fella's, I have often thought that when retirement time comes around, and it is time to downsize or leave this wonderful place we call earth, who the hell is going to get your collection? I have decided that I will give my collection to my son if he wants it. If he has no interest, I plan on donating a complete armour display to the the Military Air Power Museum on Long Island for all to see and enjoy. It would make me very happy, if some kid looked at one of my displays, and went home to read about "Operation Cobra", or "The Battle Of The Bulge", after seeing one of my Diorama's.
Out of the kindness that is within my heart, I volunteer to care for the collection of anyone who "passes to the other side." I think it's only right and correct that I do this thing for my fellow collectors. For your heirs and you that are making pre-arrangements, my shipping address is 12 West....;)

My grandson gets mine. He's already made that decision long ago and he is only 8. Smart kid.:)
Great question though it probably belongs in the General Discussion.

Well, at 35, I am hoping I have a few more good years in me. If my kids want them, by all means, they will get them. If they want them to sell on Evilbay, then no, they won't get them.

I considered being buried with them:D

I also considered burying them in a coffin next to me :D:eek:

But, in the end, if my children don't want them, they will go to a military non profit.
To my wonderful wife who has supported and helped finance my favourite hobby,i want her to sell it all and have a holiday of a lifetime:)But not just yet!:eek:

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Well as it stands right now it will go to my two nephews.

Who knows what the future holds though I may just sell it all before I pop my clogs and go on a fabulous holiday :D:D I had also though about being buried with it althouch not really that practical. (maybe just one or two of my favourite pieces then :D )
WOW! Rob, You have a great wife. My wife thinks most of my works of art[Tanks], go for about $50.00 each. She wanted to know what my M10 tank destroyer cost me, and I looked at the diorama and pointed at two figures and said "About $50.00". She replied "That isn't bad".
I think about what will happen to my collection when I go, and if my children show an interest it will be theirs. If not, I will have somebody I trust sell the collection off for me via on line auctions, donate 20% of the proceeds to the St. Jude's Children's Cancer Hospital, and divide the rest equally between my children.
Good question, which requires a great deal of thought. You don't want to leave a burden to others, which could easily happen. Your collection is important to you, and you may be on top of its value, but will others have the same views and interests? A couple of years ago I received 68 boxes of Lionel Trains, I have written price guides, and been involved in the marketplace for over 30 years, and it was still a timely and labor intensive project.

You should consider asking your children what their interests are, and let this help you deicide how to handle your collection. Keep detailed files, with item photos and recient values to assist anyone that might have to deal with your collection in the future.

When my daughter purchased her home, I asked her what she would like from my den, I sent her detailed photos and expressed my views on values and what she should select......value was of little interest to her, she wanted items she remembered seeing over the years, personal value was the key. I offered everything she took very little.

Once I complete my move I am going to reduce my collection down to items we pick up together, a few special items, my motorcycles, and cars, I certainly don't want to leave hundereds of boxes of items for someone to labor over like a truck load of overipe bananas.:D

What a great discussion subject!

I think about this all the time-especially since I’ll be sixty in a few months. Ten years or so ago I told my wife that once I hit the big six oh I would probably sell off my collection(of course, nothing would make her happier). But now that I’m almost there things look a lot different….But I agree with Louis-I wouldn’t want to suddenly die and her have to deal with it.

Anyway, I’ll probably sell off most of it at some point but will always keep a half dozen or so sets-some of my most favorite(these aren’t necessarily rare or expensive). I like old Britains too much to suddenly just get rid of them all-some of them are like old friends.

I think what Henry Jackman did with his large toy soldier collection is ideally the best-he donated it to a museum, in this case the Royal Ontario Museum(has anyone been to this museum and seen his toy soldiers? I hear only a small portion of it is on display but I have the book about the collection).
Pesonally, I couldn't care less what Missus Heid does with our collection once I pop my clogs, cos I won't be around anyway. She can turn it into fishing line sinkers and sell them off a wheelbarrow in the street for all the difference it'll make to me.
WOW! Rob, You have a great wife. My wife thinks most of my works of art[Tanks], go for about $50.00 each. She wanted to know what my M10 tank destroyer cost me, and I looked at the diorama and pointed at two figures and said "About $50.00". She replied "That isn't bad".


Yes she's very supportive,she's almost convinced i need the new MKIV Panzer!!:eek::D
My 6 year old already helps choose most of the soldiers and aircraft I buy and I refer to it as "our" collection. My 3 year old thinks they are cool but is still in the "nobody touches daddy's toys" phase so his interest isn't as great just yet.

My boys have already inherited all of my old Airfix, Matchbox et al plastic soldiers so I guess someday they'll have these as well.
If my kids want them ,then they can have them .
But barring that I aim to sell the majority of my
collection at 45 and go on a good old trip with my
family.[that gives me another 8 /9 years of collecting
and I figure by then i,ll have spent more than enough
time and money on my hobby :)]
The Napoleonics get buried with me and my wife can sell the rest. :D
Retired almost twelve years ago, have doubled the size of my collection since then, and am still converting! My son (a SDFD batallion chiref) couldn't care less, though I'll probably give him the fire-related stuff. My daughter will get the Christmas-related figures and my granddaughter the Imperial Town and Around figures. If I have a grandson (unlikely), he'll get the rest . . . otherwise my grandnephews. Anything left that my wife doen't want will be sold or given away 'cuz I won't need it!

Al, Al, Al. You don't get it do ya. ;)

The way you win the game is take the stuff with ya when you die.:rolleyes: Remember the bumper sticker, "he who dies with the most toys wins" :cool::)
I trained my son to collect from an early age (maybe 4) and what is left is his. although I am still downsizing and will continue to do so until only the most favorites are left. It is a burden if its too much. I have collected some things with my daughter as well and it will be the same. Some we are selling to help pay college expenses.

I guess my goal is to have the minimum left when I go into the west, and have spent the rest on other things.

Morbid, but interesting subject! ;)
Did Rockafellor create a museum for his toysoldier collection...
so that it was maintained even after he died?

The wife gets it all! She knows the value of these collectibles especially since she knows that I have a running list too. However, I told her that she had to keep a set or two for remembrance. As for my aviation collectibles especially my Mosquito & Beaufighter parts & panels-most will go to a museum. Of course in due time if my nephews express an interest they are welcome to the collection as well. I am still very young though so I expect to be around for a while-funny how I already think my wife will be reading "High Flight" for me first. We already purchased burial plots in Santa Barbara, California years back where are families live which ended up being a smart move as the prices increase dramatically each year. Enough of this morbid rubbish-back to looking at the new K&C & Figarti releases!!!

All The Best,

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