Why call it Market Garden (1 Viewer)


Aug 25, 2012
I am kinda curious why the K&C calls this series Market Garden when they have only ever done the Arnhem portion (brits, poles and some SS) in their followup release to their original Arnhem 44. Are we ever going to see any more of the Market side ie American paratroopers (albeit I am guessing D-day covers them off fairly well) or even more germans (albeit you can substitute regular wehrmact in a pinch). More importantly for those who missed the original series how about the garden side or are we going to be in the same position as British 1st airborne and continuing to hope for the arrival of XXX Corp. It must be worth it Andy to just punch through...lol


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To distinguish it from the earlier range, Arnhem 44.
If and when a Col. Frost figure comes out I would not care which series it is listed under.............. :wink2:
If and when a Col. Frost figure comes out I would not care which series it is listed under.............. :wink2:

He has already arrived and is at the bridge waiting.^&grin, Robin.


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Actually, there are few "collectors figures" of the US paratroopers for Market Garden. The standard jump for Normandy and earlier was the M1942 jump uniform. The US Army wanted to standardize more of the "special" uniforms and before Market Garden the US paratroopers received new uniforms based on the standard M1943 field jacket and the M1943 pants (often with the large thich pockets added on. There was almost a mutiny when the Army wanted to take away the paratroopers beloved Corcoran jump boots, but newer guys would have received the M1943 "double buckle" combat boot. The BAR had been "acquired" by some units before DDay, but it was officially added to the TO&E along with a few other weapon changes. Only one regiment of the 82nd Airborne Division still wore the M1942 jump suit in Holland (they had recently been redeployed from Italy). The biggest visual difference to many collectors would be that the M1942 jump uniforms were OD #3 (a light olive-tan) versus the M1943 stuff was issued in OD #7 - a darker, green color. The wearing of the first aid pack on the front of the helmet was uncommon in Normandy, but became more common for Market Garden.

So - there is a lot of room for more US paratroopers to support the attack into Holland, along with their jeeps, trucks and artillery.

Gary B.

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