Hello. Between 100 and 200 of the winter Panther you have were produced. The "C 2000" indicates copyright 2000, the year that panther was released. As far as the BF 109 you referenced,it was a polystone piece, one of two polystone warbirds produced, along with a corsair. Both came with matt pilot figures, one of Galland, and one of Greg "Pappy" Boeington. About 500 of each of these planes were produced. They did not sell well, and can still be obtained for between $100 and $200. The wood ME 109's Andy made, an eastern front (white) Gustav in the markings of Erich Hartmann's "green heart" squadron, a central european (mottled grey) Gustav, an Afrika Corps (Tan Mottled) Emil and a Normady (Green with Yellow Nose) Emil were produced in the early 1990's and would command around $500-$600. About the Ju52, very few were made (I have the one from the Warbirds Brochure), and Bill Moore recently sold another one for $1,800. If someone has the Heinkell He111 for sale, I would certainly be interested in purchasing it or trading something for it. Regards, Louis