WIP 28mm scale Zorro-themed command post with prison (1 Viewer)

White Knight

Jun 20, 2017
Seeing the incredible degree of detail many put into their scratchbuilt models almost makes me a bit embarrassed to post this, but I had this WIP building for my 28mm black and white zorro project that sat unloved in a box for some time now (like 2 years) and I finally got it out this weekend to work some more on it. It's far from done, but at least it's progress. The spackling has been sanded, plastic railings have been added to the first floor balcony and the roof tile sheets have been glued in place. I have now started the tedious job of filling the unseemly gaps between the walls and roof tiles. Many mistakes were made and I will do some things differently next time. I also forgot to cut out a hole for chimneys in the roof tiles, so I'll have to pin the chimney stacks in place over the tiles and fill the gap with putty. It's a bit messy, but there are several things that I now know how to do better next time (for starters, go easy on the spackling as it obsured window and other details, plan out the roof a bit better,...).

Loads to do, but it's a few steps closer than it was before the weekend.



Here were some of the intermediate stages:







If anyone cares for more background on this project: http://zorro28mm.blogspot.be
I think it looks great...
and with a few tweaks you will have a really nice finished product...

I have never been a big fan of spackling and prefer stucco patch as a finish...
because it is really hard shell when it dries...
as the spackling seems kind of soft...

you might try stucco patch if you ever decide to do another...

Home Depot has it in smooth or textured...
I have never been a big fan of spackling and prefer stucco patch as a finish...
because it is really hard shell when it dries...
as the spackling seems kind of soft...

you might try stucco patch if you ever decide to do another...

Home Depot has it in smooth or textured...

Thanks for the tip, I'll look out for that. To be honest, at the time I just used what I had lying around and the spackling was a leftover. It was an ultrafine variety that dried pretty hard, so much that it was hard to sand it smooth. Next one will be planned better from start to finish. I hope...

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