I can't argue with that one!
Am already saving like crazy for it,i love getting stuff through the post,but theres nothing quite like heading home after a drink and a chat loaded down with goodies!
Paras jumped out with parachutes open!(Maybe even a Polish one shot up like in the movie 'A Bridge Too far'!

Dead and wounded paras! Radio Jeep!
Scenic vignette piece with Major General Roy Urguhart hiding behind blown up jeep with dead para nearby, and a para hiding with him behind jeep!

Little Army personnel carrier with leader of 30 Corps sitting on top (Like Michael Caine in 'A Bridge Too far'!
Paras with loads of Ammunition, fuel, and just general supplies and those big containers with parachutes, unloading them onto jeeps
Wounded and dead paras! (We cannot deny at all that there should be none of them, after all sadly out of all the men that went into Arnhem almost 80% were killed or wounded)
Captured paras
Polish paras in boats!
More sets of 3- Like Mortar teams, machine gun teams, fire fight teams!
Scenic vignette, of Lance Sergeant John Baskeyfield wounded in leg firing last remaining rounds of his gun, while a dead gunner lies off to one side sprawled out, and a second gunner, bandage over head, and slupmed against the side of the gun lies mortally wounded!