World War 1 sets mix and match (1 Viewer)


Staff Sergeant
Jul 4, 2009
I was just have a bit of a move around of some of my sets, bought some new sets and had to move a few around. Something struck me was the compatibility between many of the different manufacturers I have, with Empire Miniatures [have a few and not all 30 sets] matching with the First World War JJ figures.
While the JJ and the Britains War of the Nile sets are great together. As are the JJ and Britains Clash of Empire ranges.
We are in some ways living through a great time for TGs, we, I know I do, moan a lot but there are some absolutely fantastic sets and figures on the market.
Has anyone ever put forward a Toy Soldiers ‘Oscars’, to be voted on by say treefrog members could have the following categories,

  • Best Manufacturer, decided on range over the previous 12 months.
  • Best single figure and best set of two or more figures.
  • Best Plane, vehicle, etc
  • Best Matte
and best gloss sets.
Sure there could be loads and would start discussions and get people looking at other manufacturers? Just a thought. No prices but could be good to put on a manufacturers boxes or webpage to highlight their winning sets.
There are indeed some great sets, and a thread extolling the positive facets only is 'a consummation devoutly to be wished' (with apologies to WS). Fun with TS? The best of TS? I'd go with that. :salute::

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