Have you
really? Do tell.
I'm not disregarding other battles in the slightest, I'm just answering the original poster's question which forced one to choose a single worst battle. I said Leningrad because on top of the usual threat of being stabbed, shot, bombed and blown up by artillery, you were freezing to death and worst of all starving at the same time.
Of course every battle has the potential to inflict wounds and experiences as horrible as the next on each individual involved.
But I do think honestly the eastern front (and the Sino/Japanese conflict) continues to get massively downplayed in western (english) history books and popular culture, and perhaps my post was a reaction to that. For example from your list of worst battles Rob we have 11 battles in which England and/or America fought in but only 2 stereotypical eastern front ones thrown in as a token gesture I'd imagine, also no mention of battles on the entire Asian continent. But I can understand if you only watched 1950s war movies you'd come to believe this was quite an accurate representation of
World War 2 (no offence meant though Rob