WW1 and WW2 UK unit histories (1 Viewer)


Lieutenant General
Jun 8, 2008
For the readers amongst us, I have an old friend who runs a bookshop called The Exiles Bookshop, which is found listed on ABE (and maybe Amazon, but I'm not sure of that). I am mentioning this because he has recently purchased and is listing for sale a collection of military books that is unusual in containing many, many unit histories and official histories from WW1 and WW2. Most all of these are British or Dominion oriented and he has a long haul ahead of him to get them all listed but he is making headway. He currently has listed about 130 unit histories from the 2 world wars and has started listing the British official history red volumes from WW1. I know that he has the British official histories from WW2 and some South African histories that he hasn't had time to list yet. His prices are more than reasonable, considering how rare some of these histories are, so if you are interested in these subjects a call or e-mail to Jim might pay you big dividends. I have no stake in this other than Jim being an old friend and wanting to help out fellow collectors who might have a hard time finding these type of books. Good hunting. -- Al
For the readers amongst us, I have an old friend who runs a bookshop called The Exiles Bookshop, which is found listed on ABE (and maybe Amazon, but I'm not sure of that). I am mentioning this because he has recently purchased and is listing for sale a collection of military books that is unusual in containing many, many unit histories and official histories from WW1 and WW2. Most all of these are British or Dominion oriented and he has a long haul ahead of him to get them all listed but he is making headway. He currently has listed about 130 unit histories from the 2 world wars and has started listing the British official history red volumes from WW1. I know that he has the British official histories from WW2 and some South African histories that he hasn't had time to list yet. His prices are more than reasonable, considering how rare some of these histories are, so if you are interested in these subjects a call or e-mail to Jim might pay you big dividends. I have no stake in this other than Jim being an old friend and wanting to help out fellow collectors who might have a hard time finding these type of books. Good hunting. -- Al
Yesterday, Jim listed 5 of the WW2 South African official histories and 2 of them (Crisis in the Desert and Battles of Sidi-Rezeg) were sold within a couple of hours. He also listed 6 of the WW2 Indian official histories, stuff that isn't real common. There are something like 65 WW1 unit histories currently listed with such highly sought after titles like Ross-of-Bladensburgs 3 vol. history 'The Coldstream Guards 1914-1918', Ponsonby's 3 vol. history 'The Grenadier Guards in the Great War, 1914-1918', and Headlam's 2 vol. history 'The Guards Division in the Great War, 1915-1918'. There are a like number of WW2 unit histories. More to come as he wades into the collection. -- Al
For the readers amongst us, I have an old friend who runs a bookshop called The Exiles Bookshop, which is found listed on ABE (and maybe Amazon, but I'm not sure of that). I am mentioning this because he has recently purchased and is listing for sale a collection of military books that is unusual in containing many, many unit histories and official histories from WW1 and WW2. Most all of these are British or Dominion oriented and he has a long haul ahead of him to get them all listed but he is making headway. He currently has listed about 130 unit histories from the 2 world wars and has started listing the British official history red volumes from WW1. I know that he has the British official histories from WW2 and some South African histories that he hasn't had time to list yet. His prices are more than reasonable, considering how rare some of these histories are, so if you are interested in these subjects a call or e-mail to Jim might pay you big dividends. I have no stake in this other than Jim being an old friend and wanting to help out fellow collectors who might have a hard time finding these type of books. Good hunting. -- Al
Just added the 2 vol. history of The Australian Navy 1939-1945 (Official History of Australia in the War of 1939-45) and a 3 vol. history New Zealanders with the Royal Air Force (Official History of New Zealand in the Second World War). Good stuff. -- Al
For the readers amongst us, I have an old friend who runs a bookshop called The Exiles Bookshop, which is found listed on ABE (and maybe Amazon, but I'm not sure of that). I am mentioning this because he has recently purchased and is listing for sale a collection of military books that is unusual in containing many, many unit histories and official histories from WW1 and WW2. Most all of these are British or Dominion oriented and he has a long haul ahead of him to get them all listed but he is making headway. He currently has listed about 130 unit histories from the 2 world wars and has started listing the British official history red volumes from WW1. I know that he has the British official histories from WW2 and some South African histories that he hasn't had time to list yet. His prices are more than reasonable, considering how rare some of these histories are, so if you are interested in these subjects a call or e-mail to Jim might pay you big dividends. I have no stake in this other than Jim being an old friend and wanting to help out fellow collectors who might have a hard time finding these type of books. Good hunting. -- Al
Jim still plugging away at listing the collection. He has added several official histories such as the UK's 2 vol. history of the Korean War. There are 4 vols of the Australian Air Force in WW2, and the 4 vols dealing with Australia on the Western Front in WW1 by Bean. Canada is covered by works on the Navy in WW2, the Army in WW1, and a book on their involvement in Korea. There are works on New Zealand in WW2 covering the Navy, homefront, and PoW's. The US Army in Korea is covered in 4 vols and there is a volume on US Medics in Korea, as well. Not to mention the continuing additions of British unit histories. Many more to come, as I know he has the red bound British WW1 official histories covering 1914 thru 1918 to list yet and the volumes on Egypt/Palestine, too, to add to the volumes on Mesopotamia and Salonika that he has already listed. It is a very impressive military collection. -- Al
Just listed 5 WW2 New Zealand Army unit histories; the 2nd Division artillery and the 18th, 19th, 22nd, and the 26th Battalions. -- Al
Just listed 5 WW2 New Zealand Army unit histories; the 2nd Division artillery and the 18th, 19th, 22nd, and the 26th Battalions. -- Al
More WW2 New Zealand official histories are up. So far Jim has listed 13 seperate titles in 17 volumes, well over 7000 pages, covering infantry, artillery, air force, navy, supply, medical, home front, and PoW's. -- Al
Just listed 5 WW2 New Zealand Army unit histories; the 2nd Division artillery and the 18th, 19th, 22nd, and the 26th Battalions. -- Al
These didn't last long. There last night, gone this morning. Someone grabbed all 5 of these titles. Hot stuff. Still has 8 NZ titles listed. -- Al
Jim continues to list and this AM has gotten the British official history of 1914, 1915, 1916, and 1917 up for sale. 1916 is a Battery Press reprint while the others are all early original printings, including the map volumes. He has already listed several of the other theaters such as Mesopotamia and Macedonia. I know he has 1918 and Egypt and Palestine but he hasn't got them up yet. He also started on the British official history of WW2 with the 6 book set of British Intelligence in the war. -- Al
Jim continues to list and this AM has gotten the British official history of 1914, 1915, 1916, and 1917 up for sale. 1916 is a Battery Press reprint while the others are all early original printings, including the map volumes. He has already listed several of the other theaters such as Mesopotamia and Macedonia. I know he has 1918 and Egypt and Palestine but he hasn't got them up yet. He also started on the British official history of WW2 with the 6 book set of British Intelligence in the war. -- Al
Cripes! 1917 is gone already. Good stuff moves fast. -- Al
Jim continues to list and this AM has gotten the British official history of 1914, 1915, 1916, and 1917 up for sale. 1916 is a Battery Press reprint while the others are all early original printings, including the map volumes. He has already listed several of the other theaters such as Mesopotamia and Macedonia. I know he has 1918 and Egypt and Palestine but he hasn't got them up yet. He also started on the British official history of WW2 with the 6 book set of British Intelligence in the war. -- Al
The 1918 set (Battery Press reprint) and an absolutely gorgeous original set of the Egypt and Palestine volumes went up tonight. The Egypt and Palestine set is as close to mint as is likely to be found and includes the rare Dj's. -- Al
British official History of the Second World War is being listed now. Grand Strategy, War in France and Flanders 1939-1940, and Campaign in Norway have been put up so far. -- Al
British official History of the Second World War is being listed now. Grand Strategy, War in France and Flanders 1939-1940, and Campaign in Norway have been put up so far. -- Al
Added the Mediterranean and Middle East this AM, all 6 volumes (8 books) of this massive study. Defense of the United Kingdom is also up. -- Al
Continuing on with the British official histories, the 4 vol. Strategic Air Offensive Against Germany, 1939-45 and the 5 vol. War Against Japan are now listed. -- Al
The US WW2 official histories are now listed (the green volumes), including the ETO, MTO, PTO, CBI, and many subsidiary volumes. -- Al
Now has listed over 50 of the Hamish Hamilton/Leo Cooper 'Famous Regiments' series, ranging from $5 to $20 apiece. -- Al
Just a reminder that Jim is still adding books for sale. He currently has 214 unit histories listed such as a recent reprint by Naval & Military Press of the 5 volume Annals of the Kings Royal Rifle Corps. It is a softcover reprint which is listed for $65. He has 200+ official histories as well as several hundred WW1 and 2 related titles. There are also ACW and many general history listings. Take a look. His prices are very reasonable. His bookshop is on ABE as The Exiles Bookshop. -- Al
British regimental history count is up to 250 titles now. Some 800 total WW1 and WW2 titles. His stock of official histories has proved very popular but he still has over 100 available titles in this catagory. -- Al
Jim is holding a non-ABE related sale on his WW1 titles, at 2 different discounts. For his general histories and regimental histories (remember, WW1 only), the discount is 40% off his listed prices. For his WW1 related Official histories, ie., the red bound British official histories such as Mesopotamia, Egypt and Palestine, 1914, 1916, 1918, etc., the discount is 25%. These discounts apply only if bought from him directly and NOT through the ABEbooks site. You can certainly contact him through ABE but do not purchase through ABE if you want the discount. His phone # is 301-208-8280. This is a great chance to get some very hard-to-find books at good discounts off his already reasonable prices. Remember, to view his listings, simply go to his shop, The Exiles Bookshop, found on the ABEbooks site, and click on the appropriate subject. To purchase, call him personally or contact through the ABE messenger option, but do not purchase through ABE. Jim cannot discount any purchase through the ABE site. That's 40% off on WW1 histories and regimentals and 25% off on WW1 official histories. Give him a call. Thanks. -- Al

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