For the readers amongst us, I have an old friend who runs a bookshop called The Exiles Bookshop, which is found listed on ABE (and maybe Amazon, but I'm not sure of that). I am mentioning this because he has recently purchased and is listing for sale a collection of military books that is unusual in containing many, many unit histories and official histories from WW1 and WW2. Most all of these are British or Dominion oriented and he has a long haul ahead of him to get them all listed but he is making headway. He currently has listed about 130 unit histories from the 2 world wars and has started listing the British official history red volumes from WW1. I know that he has the British official histories from WW2 and some South African histories that he hasn't had time to list yet. His prices are more than reasonable, considering how rare some of these histories are, so if you are interested in these subjects a call or e-mail to Jim might pay you big dividends. I have no stake in this other than Jim being an old friend and wanting to help out fellow collectors who might have a hard time finding these type of books. Good hunting. -- Al