Ww2 German Police (1 Viewer)


Private 2
Apr 30, 2005
This is just great, a band of collectors who share my passion for soldiers.QUESTION; I have a strong passion for parade formations,why have there been no additions for german grey police (non military) and naval units as well as panzer troops,with all the military armoured pieces these would look great...ernie
Hello again Ernie. Andy Neilson at King & Country is literally bombarded with questions like yours, as well as requests and demands for production of particular items of interest to various collectors. In fact when last we chatted he mentioned his desire to be able to satisfy his collectors, but his inability to do so due to the limited hours in the day and days in the week. He does, however, check this forum on a nearly daily basis, and does appreciate ideas like yours. However, because his focus appears to be primarily on fighting formations at the present (except for the LAH series) I doubt you are going to see german civilian police or Kriegsmarine figures anytime soon. Andy may, however, have made one or two Kriegsmarine figures for Del Prado. Check the Del Prado thread on this forum, ask the gentleman who has all of those figures, and you may find some of what you are looking for. Good luck! Louis
Thanks,Louis.I already have 10 of the Kriegsmarine from Del Prado also 20 marching with flag bearers from Soldat ,which i picked up in Barcelonia from Jose himself in the 80,s;)

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