WW2 Normandy color films... (1 Viewer)


Command Sergeant Major
Apr 30, 2005
Here's the link;

The films were done by Hollywood filmmaker George Stevens and his crew. They need to be seen a few times, first to appreciate the drama and horror of war, then to appreciate all the GI equipment shown, then to look at the Normandy countryside scenes and buildings for diorama purposes.


Amazing film. Are there others that continue the story?
I don't know about more of this in the public video arena on the web. I saw the link on a modeling site and thought I'd pass it along. The film show was part of a film "George Stevens, DDay to Berlin". I have a copy on DVD that I obtained from Amazon. There is also a DVD/VHS called "Remagen to the Elbe". I have a copies on tape and DVD. Color footage from March through May 1945 with quite a bit of American armor also.

Gary B.
always amazed at how much vintage color film is there and mostly not shown,lazy editing or not wanting to bother.

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