Here's some ideas I think may help further sqaure away your dio table:
1.) Consider dressing the table. I am going to put small curtain rods running around the table and setup "Curtains" around the "Deadzone (or defilade if you really want to be HOOAH

)". The "Curtained" effect hides all the lost space there. For example, for my AWI dio, I am going to put a red, white and blue curtain draped around the table.
Another option is to consider putting a dio underneath it as well.
2.) Consider putting some shelves underneath. This would be a great way to store the boxes (if you keep them) or perhaps place books on the subject. When you have friends over, simply, pullback the curtains, and wala- you have ready information access via your own personal library.
3.) Consider placing some military art above or around the table- adds to the story.
Great job!! It's neat to see someone going in the same direction I am- it's cool to actually see someone getting it done.