WWII Battle Scenes Part 1 (1 Viewer)


Oct 30, 2007

Fighting in the ruined farm house


Flakpanzer on the attack!


GI's looking for cover


Overview of diorama



Helping a buddy


Sniper has a SS in the cross hairs



Howitzer taking aim


Machine gun team hard at work
Hard to beat the snow scenes for some great shots, looks like you're having a lot of fun:D
This is why I love K&C, it allows to create scenes within a story. This is a great display, there is so much going on. I hope you can upload more pictures to see the different details.

This is why I love K&C, it allows to create scenes within a story. This is a great display, there is so much going on. I hope you can upload more pictures to see the different details.

just uploaded part 2, for a few more close ups .... sammy
Very nicely done, Sammy. I'm severly envious of that display table!!


Nice set up you have there:). Really like that pic of the german MG team in the treeline:cool:. If you don't mind me asking, what's on the mini wall shelf?
Looks like naps/ACW?
Nice set up you have there:). Really like that pic of the german MG team in the treeline:cool:. If you don't mind me asking, what's on the mini wall shelf?
Looks like naps/ACW?

hi saber,that shelf is my son's civil war collection that he just started, he even got to meet andy and get a boxed set autographed by the andy at the west coaster,little small but it's getting there.....sammy
Ahh... Another addition to the dark side:D. Is he a Union Man or a Reb, just kidding;):). Great to see young ones involved in the hobby:).
Ahh... Another addition to the dark side:D. Is he a Union Man or a Reb, just kidding;):). Great to see young ones involved in the hobby:).

actually, his grandmother looks up family trees for people on the side, and she retraced thier roots back to where she found out that thier side of the family is actually related to robert e. lee in a small way and i had two family members that fought inthe civil war.....sammy
We did some ancestory research a few years ago and found out Texas side of the family fought for the Union and the Louisanna side fought for the Confederacy. Someone must be rolling over in their grave:D:eek:!
Nice work on the Winter scenes. Those are my favorite. Going to get started after I thin out some of my projects. I have to see where the Civil War Diaries take me.
Hey Sammy-

WOW!! Looks great!! What I personally like about your setups is that they are eventually where I hope to get mine. I have went around my house and basement and located areas where I would like to putup some dioramas, measured them out, mentally dressed them out with figures and am now off to the races buying them- hey, I'm a CPA- I'm allowed to be a bit anal:D

Here's some ideas I think may help further sqaure away your dio table:

1.) Consider dressing the table. I am going to put small curtain rods running around the table and setup "Curtains" around the "Deadzone (or defilade if you really want to be HOOAH:D)". The "Curtained" effect hides all the lost space there. For example, for my AWI dio, I am going to put a red, white and blue curtain draped around the table.

Another option is to consider putting a dio underneath it as well.

2.) Consider putting some shelves underneath. This would be a great way to store the boxes (if you keep them) or perhaps place books on the subject. When you have friends over, simply, pullback the curtains, and wala- you have ready information access via your own personal library.

3.) Consider placing some military art above or around the table- adds to the story.

Great job!! It's neat to see someone going in the same direction I am- it's cool to actually see someone getting it done.

Nice pictures of your Bulge display Sammy. Thanks for posting. I am still "thinking" about a winter diorama. I have not made any in years but might try one now that the weather is warmer. I can paint and work in my other garage. I just need a little push.:D My wife says "when are you going to do your diorama? You been buying stuff for the last two years." Nice work. John :confused:
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good ideas chris, i do have some pictures, and memorabilia i need to put up in that room, but hard to find the extra time,thanks for the ideas though....sammy

WOW!! Looks great!! What I personally like about your setups is that they are eventually where I hope to get mine. I have went around my house and basement and located areas where I would like to putup some dioramas, measured them out, mentally dressed them out with figures and am now off to the races buying them- hey, I'm a CPA- I'm allowed to be a bit anal:D

Here's some ideas I think may help further sqaure away your dio table:

1.) Consider dressing the table. I am going to put small curtain rods running around the table and setup "Curtains" around the "Deadzone (or defilade if you really want to be HOOAH:D)". The "Curtained" effect hides all the lost space there. For example, for my AWI dio, I am going to put a red, white and blue curtain draped around the table.

Another option is to consider putting a dio underneath it as well.

2.) Consider putting some shelves underneath. This would be a great way to store the boxes (if you keep them) or perhaps place books on the subject. When you have friends over, simply, pullback the curtains, and wala- you have ready information access via your own personal library.

3.) Consider placing some military art above or around the table- adds to the story.

Great job!! It's neat to see someone going in the same direction I am- it's cool to actually see someone getting it done.

Reliving my ol" K&C days :) actually not to shabby of a dio if I do say so myself:) it's not a TM Terrain special but it was a blast putting it together...Sammy
Man Sammy, I remember you had a ton of KC stuff, sold it and now a First Legion fan. I bet you wish you had your KC collection.

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