Hang in there mate, we will be rewarded soon for our patience I'm sure of, gotta remember the machine gun team, tank riders with or without base and the winter coated german were just announced at the end of the year, plus the China new year has to be reconed with, I'm watching everyday for the next news letter, I'm sure just a matter of time....Sammy
Maybe we would hear more from the voice of First legion that is to say Mr Matt if he wasn't still on moderated status :rolleyes2: I'm also sure he has more important things to do then answer questions from people who own a soldier or two . I know there are guys here whose life revolves around racking up thousands and thousands of post but I don't think Mr Matt is one of those guys . We will get news when its ready. Mean while I'm busy trying to keep up with what First Legion have released so far and put some away for whats coming next :wink2: regards Gebhard
Believe me I make my contribution to FL every month
I can tell you one thing for sure as Matt has said over and over again he does not respond to 99% of the questions on this forum... for questions inquire Email: info@firstlegionltd.com . You will get far more information from the First Legion website and newsletter then here guaranteed I have read every First Legion post here and have learned 0 about whats coming and when . All information comes from subscribing to the newsletter and I quote from the workbench section of the site " That's it for this update. We'll put some figures up next month once these fine fellows have shifted to pre-order. We may even unveil a new range or two in the not too distant future. If we do, this is where you'll find it! " . Nothing wrong with showing interest , I do it just about everyday with fellow First Legion collectors but by telling Mr Matt that the wait for information is getting ridiculous is not gonna help our cause . regards Gebhard
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