Young Guard (1 Viewer)


Private 1st Class
Nov 28, 2008
Hi Matt, what no producer as far as I know has done until yet is - Young Guard! In 1813/1814 25% of the french soldiers was from the Young Guard, very important to Napo and his little wars! I just wanna say this to you...:cool:


  • JungeGardePlacenoit.jpg
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I believe that Patriot did young guard figures but they are pretty large. Larger than King and Country Figures. FL could do a fantastic job with the young guard..... After more British infantry.;):D
Yes, Patroit did, but they where ressed in "normal" french uniforms, not this couts. And the dressing of the soldiers (see he picture from G. Rava) are typicall for the Young Guard!
Yes, Patroit did, but they where ressed in "normal" french uniforms, not this couts. And the dressing of the soldiers (see he picture from G. Rava) are typicall for the Young Guard!

I see your point. I also think that French line infantry with late war uniforms would be a nice addition.
A series of Young Guard would obviously go great with the Guard Chasseurs and the Prussians in a Plancenoit diorama. I like the idea.

i have a few Patriots Young Guard Tirailleurs in my collection at the moment, they are alot bigger than K&C and i only sometimes use them in the same display. I've only got two photo's for you showing just three figures, Patriot makes 5 Tirailleurs and an officer in the Napoleonic range, The three figures below with also an officer giving orders a kneeling firing figure and a great wounded figure falling backwards.



Best wishes Mark
The Young Guard would be a fine edition in time but we need so much more first I think. On the French side I would much rather see some Guard Chassuers advancing or a line infantry firing line or perhaps a light company skirmishing to match a comparable British company or the Rifles.


And then of course we absolutely need some Dragoons, fighting in and out of the saddle.

Not to mention we need some fighting French Hussars.

And what about those mysterious Lancers that are already sculpted???

So while the young Guard is certainly interesting, it needs to fall in at the end of a bit of a French line IMHO.;)
I for one would rather see regular infantry units. The Guard gets all the glory, but the regular infantry was the majority of the army.

As for future French infantry, my most desired release would be the late war infantry units. The ones wearing overcoats into battle and the Bardin regulations of 1812 tunics.

King's Man


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I think the young guard would be Great ! As would be anything Napoleonic that FL will release :) I can only speak for myself but I'm very HAPPY with every single release thus far . It has been so exciting each month to see what is coming next and i look forward with great anticipation for the next release whatever it will be . I wish i could be more selective and concentrate on my main interest but they all look so good I just can't resist . I think they have been very creative in their selection so far ,what can I say :D I'm hooked. I'm looking forward to the day when they hit some of my more favored battles but for now I'm just enjoying the ride ;) my only complaint would be I need some Prussians in shooting ,loading poses :D All the best Gebhard
My next "can't wait to see" for me is the Highlanders. I also am anxiously awaiting any other Hussars.
I think the young guard would be Great ! As would be anything Napoleonic that FL will release :) I can only speak for myself but I'm very HAPPY with every single release thus far . It has been so exciting each month to see what is coming next and i look forward with great anticipation for the next release whatever it will be . I wish i could be more selective and concentrate on my main interest but they all look so good I just can't resist . I think they have been very creative in their selection so far ,what can I say :D I'm hooked. I'm looking forward to the day when they hit some of my more favored battles but for now I'm just enjoying the ride ;) my only complaint would be I need some Prussians in shooting ,loading poses All the best Gebhard
I agree with most of what you are saying mate.:D Your last comment highlights one of my first points. The FL releases each cover a certain phase of the combat: the French line advancing, the British Guards defending, the Guard Chasseurs defending, the Prussians and Nassau line charging, the British and Russian Hussars waiting, the Old Guard marching etc. So you actually need other phases of these lads to round out the battles. Thus just as you would like a Prussian firing line, so would many of us like a Chasseur and British charging line, a French line firing line, a Nasau firing line etc.;) That is one reason I think the Young Guard can wait a wee bit.:D
The new Highlanders, re-issue of the French infantry and the Russian Infantry are all on their way so I will have my hands full buying these items. I also love everything the FL has produced so far and love surprises, so whatever Matt decides to do next is OK by me.

More Prussian yes, firing figures, leaders, cavalry, artillerymen and cannons. I would enjoy see any of these. :p

King's Man
.....Thus just as you would like a Prussian firing line, so would many of us like a Chasseur and British charging line, a French line firing line, a Nasau firing line etc.....

I totally agree with this point. Personally, since I have already invested money into all the British Guards and French Chaussers, I would of course have to expand on them if we had new poses for both series. Some running or advancing poses would be great. While I like and can appreiciate most everything First Legion put out, I find I can be more selective in what I buy when faced with starting to collect an entirely new unit, as opposed to expanding one that I have.

Still, I can't wait for the Highlanders! I find myself trying to imagine how I will incorporate them, depending on whether thier poses are mostly a firing line, advincing unit, or something else.

...Still, I can't wait for the Highlanders! I find myself trying to imagine how I will incorporate them, depending on whether thier poses are mostly a firing line, advincing unit, or something else.

Hopefully some of both.:cool:
I totally agree with this point. Personally, since I have already invested money into all the British Guards and French Chaussers, I would of course have to expand on them if we had new poses for both series. Some running or advancing poses would be great. While I like and can appreiciate most everything First Legion put out, I find I can be more selective in what I buy when faced with starting to collect an entirely new unit, as opposed to expanding one that I have.

Still, I can't wait for the Highlanders! I find myself trying to imagine how I will incorporate them, depending on whether thier poses are mostly a firing line, advincing unit, or something else.


Hi Noah,
I am not sure if you are aware of the current issue #31 of Toy Soldier Collector from the UK it was mentioned last week in another FL thread it contains a sneak peak of the first 5 figures of the upcoming 92nd Gordon Highlanders release, i think you will be very Happy they look Fantastic. The magazine also has 9 other images of new products not yet released and is well worth the money. I ordered it from their website and had it in 4 days from London ,a Great interview with Matt is also worth the Price for any fan of First legion . I would highly recommend it to you . All the Best Gebhard
Hi Noah,
I am not sure if you are aware of the current issue #31 of Toy Soldier Collector from the UK it was mentioned last week in another FL thread it contains a sneak peak of the first 5 figures of the upcoming 92nd Gordon Highlanders release, i think you will be very Happy they look Fantastic. The magazine also has 9 other images of new products not yet released and is well worth the money. I ordered it from their website and had it in 4 days from London ,a Great interview with Matt is also worth the Price for any fan of First legion . I would highly recommend it to you . All the Best Gebhard

I have heard of the magazine article and previews through the board here. However, I haven't yet ordered the magazine. If they ship that fast, I may do it today! The main reason is to see the sneak peak of the Highlanders like you indicated. Thanks for the inforamtion though, now off to the magazine website...

I have heard of the magazine article and previews through the board here. However, I haven't yet ordered the magazine. If they ship that fast, I may do it today! The main reason is to see the sneak peak of the Highlanders like you indicated. Thanks for the inforamtion though, now off to the magazine website...


Hi Noah,
It was my pleasure I'm glad I could help you out as Bill helped me out with information about the FL add last week that is in issue 31. I really think you will enjoy it and the 92nd figures look Great. i think its just a 5 figure sample of what we will get with the complete release. After ready the interview with Matt I think that the future for FL looks great and the corporate mission looks even better for us collectors they did indeed (IMO) fill a gap in the market , to me personally being a collector of Aeroart and also of the more numerous cartoonish (IMO) lines out there they are proving to be just what I was hoping for. A Company several steps below Mr Thor's figures but even farther above the other products coming out of Asia . It was also interesting for me to read about the way they got started and how the operation is being run. I also think as hinted at in the interview that having more dealers or places were collectors could see first hand their product would only multiply the number of new collectors starting to jump on the FL steamroller . Have a great weekend what's left of it who knows maybe the Ravens can beat the Raiders today :D Gebhard
.... Have a great weekend what's left of it who knows maybe the Ravens can beat the Raiders today :D
I assume you mean maybe the Skins will win their first road game of the season and beat the Raiders today; the Ravens play the hapless Lions.;) As bad as the Skins are right now, at least they are still an original Washington team.:eek::D
I assume you mean maybe the Skins will win their first road game of the season and beat the Raiders today; the Ravens play the hapless Lions.;) As bad as the Skins are right now, at least they are still an original Washington team.:eek::D
Yes i wanted to say the Lions ;)I'd been listening to my Neighbor all day yesterday talking about his beloved Skins and the Raiders I guess it just got stuck as for your last comment we'll give the Browns back when we get our Colts back:D
Yes i wanted to say the Lions ;)I'd been listening to my Neighbor all day yesterday talking about his beloved Skins and the Raiders I guess it just got stuck as for your last comment we'll give the Browns back when we get our Colts back:D
Well since Johnny U was my childhood hero I hope you know that is exactly the result I would dearly love to see.;):D

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