Z Nation on SYFI Friday (1 Viewer)


2nd Lieutenant
Feb 8, 2006
I know that there is a core group of Walking Dead fans on this forum, but since it's start, I am also a big Z Nation fan. Unlike the human killing human nature of WD, Z Nation is mostly about doing Zombies in, without all the personal drama. Acting is not on the same level nor the production value as WD, but the scripts show a bit of satire and humor and try not to take itself too seriously..Just wondered if anyone else was following a different take on Zombie world..Michael
I am.I was surprised that it's a pretty good show.
Mark and
I've seen it and rather liked it (thought the zombie baby was a nice touch) but I can never remember when it's on or where to find it so I've only seen it a couple of times. -- Al
All the episodes are available On Demand.It's on every Friday at 10pm.
All the episodes are available On Demand.It's on every Friday at 10pm.
Thanks, Mark. Think I'll make a note of it. I have the same trouble remembering American Horror Story. -- Al

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