Zulu War (1 Viewer)


Sergeant First Class
Oct 8, 2005

Just come back from London and for the first time saw the new Zulu line and hospital. The figures are impressive, the hospital is bigger than you think and the detail within is very good. I'm still deciding whether to show the outside or inside in my display case. It was good to talk to Richard and Ken about this new line and what will be forthcoming in the future, and it is good to see that the line hasn't got a finite end. I'm sure they are open to suggestions for further figures.

I would like to suggest Hlobane and Luneburg (80th Regt), which as far as I know have never been done.



Just come back from London and for the first time saw the new Zulu line and hospital. The figures are impressive, the hospital is bigger than you think and the detail within is very good. I'm still deciding whether to show the outside or inside in my display case. It was good to talk to Richard and Ken about this new line and what will be forthcoming in the future, and it is good to see that the line hasn't got a finite end. I'm sure they are open to suggestions for further figures.

I would like to suggest Hlobane and Luneburg (80th Regt), which as far as I know have never been done.



Thanks for the feedback Andy. I'm seriously toying with the idea of dipping my toes into the ZW, and if people like yourself are impressed with the new WB offereings then thats good enough for me.

Best Regards

Just come back from London and for the first time saw the new Zulu line and hospital. The figures are impressive, the hospital is bigger than you think and the detail within is very good. I'm still deciding whether to show the outside or inside in my display case. It was good to talk to Richard and Ken about this new line and what will be forthcoming in the future, and it is good to see that the line hasn't got a finite end. I'm sure they are open to suggestions for further figures.

I would like to suggest Hlobane and Luneburg (80th Regt), which as far as I know have never been done.



I envy you so much :).
I too saw the new line and was impressed. I actually collect Little Legion and I am fiercely loyal to that brand but I was previously unaware that Britains were producing a matte AZW range and now that I know they have consulted Ian Knight aswell, well I'm very interested.

Personally I too would like to see a range depicting the massacre on the Ntombe River involving the 80th but perhaps more than this I would love to see a range depicting G Company's last moments at Isandlwana with the monocled Charlie Pope in blue patrol jacket and his friend Godwin-Austen whose dog was found alive after the battle.
Where have you been hiding my friend
I thought there were very few Little Legion fans around.
Welcome Welcome.
There are some Little Legion pcitures posted in the Trophy thread and Lt's various Zulu threads.
I too am a big Little Legion fan and look forward to hearing you and hopefully seeing some posts of your collection. Mike Norris told me he would have some mounted Dervishes for the show. Any reports from you would be welcome
Damian Clarke
Where have you been hiding my friend
I thought there were very few Little Legion fans around.
Welcome Welcome.
There are some Little Legion pcitures posted in the Trophy thread and Lt's various Zulu threads.
I too am a big Little Legion fan and look forward to hearing you and hopefully seeing some posts of your collection. Mike Norris told me he would have some mounted Dervishes for the show. Any reports from you would be welcome
Damian Clarke


There were indeed mounted dervishes there! They looked very good too I have to say. Mike was a very busy man and doing good business while I was there so there are more of us believe me. He showcased a couple of new 24th figures that are on his new releases page too.

My collection is currently without a base and are on a chest of drawers but I will take a photo as they are multiplying rapidly much to the other half's dismay!

I think this new Britians range could be fantastic as long as they depict the key events of the war that the majority of AZW enthusiasts are interested in. The British love a disaster so I think they should play safe with Isandlwana next or perhaps test the water with Ntombe but Hlobane could be a very difficult diorama/vignette to pull off.


There is no doubt the British love a military disaster. It upsets civilians having their breakfast apparently. The Zulu war is perenially popular. Do you think the Britains glossy range will fit in with Trophy and Little Legion. You can never have too many Zulus in my opinion so different makers will always be welcome. The glossy wagon looks good as well. I think teh Sudan campaign is making a comeback. It wasn't just Zulus who could make life akward for Tommy Atkins in Africa.
Damian Clarke
Hi Isandhlwana,

Hlobane could be countered probably not as a disaster but as a reverse. Have you also checked the Conte website as they have figures coming out next year as well.


Hi Isandhlwana,

Hlobane could be countered probably not as a disaster but as a reverse. Have you also checked the Conte website as they have figures coming out next year as well.



Yes, a reverse is much more palatable! My main wish is to see Simon Smith's painting of G Company's last moments brought to life. It is similar to Fripp's painting no doubt but Smith's main focus is the two Officers facing imminent death along with their men, which for me makes Smith's painting more poignant.

I might have to email Ian Knight and tell him to have a word!
Generally the British army had a problem with hills in northern Kwa Zulu Natal. Islandwana, Hlobane, Amajuba and Spion Kop. Those pesky Boers and Zulus just did not play fair.
Welcome ISANDLWANA to Isandlwana thought I'd greet you with the attached photo to welcome you to the forum........The Lt.


Welcome ISANDLWANA to Isandlwana thought I'd greet you with the attached photo to welcome you to the forum........The Lt.




Did you paint those or were they already painted when you bought them?
I think one problem many of the manufacturers find difficult to overcome is that the Zulu warrior sets will not be bought in multiples by collectors in the same manner that standing, kneeling, reloading and other orthodox military poses will sell for the British firing lines. (On the other hand, much of the hand-to-hand combat figures already pose that problem: collectors want huge variety, but manufacturers then find that only a small number of certain types of figure will actually sell).
Just posted these on the show section, but here's the Britains ZW pics:






Thank you Simon for the photos and what an excellent job done in their taking. Wish I had been able to join you now off to the show section to check to see what other goodies you've taken photos off........The Lt.

ISANDLWANA the Zulul appearing in the photos are Conte Zulu plastic figures I painted and welcome to The Land of The Zulus.
some of this is going to be very cool. And I have been such a good boy when it comes to buying stuff!:rolleyes:
That building looks awesome, I can attest to the Lt. painting all those Zulu's. He was hard at work with multiple Zulus being painted on my recent trek to his place. Mike:)

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