Flak 30 Gun (8 Viewers)


Master Sergeant
Oct 4, 2007
Just got my Flak 30 gun, and like it a lot.:cool::cool:The size and seated gunner are perfect.Very versatile piece More pieces like this please:D

Also liked the CS brochures enclosed:)
Just got my Flak 30 gun, and like it a lot.:cool::cool:The size and seated gunner are perfect.Very versatile piece More pieces like this please:D

Also liked the CS brochures enclosed:)

It does look nice , but I do think the gun barrel is to long :eek:
Actually the gun barrel is the perfect size for the weapon it is based on; one of my customers is a WWII reinactor and he has one of these pieces in his unit and said the barrel is very long FWIW......................
Going by this link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RA0nXJowLi4 I think your right ;)

I agree, I think the gun barrel is a tad long. I found very few orthographic views when constructing the piece. We actually asked the factory to trim it down a bit, it was actually longer! I think a bit smaller would have been best.

One of the issues we always face is breakage and bending on all of the gun barrels. Most oftentimes we haveto " cheat them up " in size so that they don't get totally destroyed in shipping. Steel would be best but at such short runs not financially viable. We'll work on it though, I promise.

Thanks for the input its good to get the feedback, truly.

Very Best Regards,

The figures and vehicles are getting better and better with every release....

Last week I received the new CS AA Flak gun, the Sd.Kfz 222 Armor Car and the Marder III from George at Minuteman Miniatures. I opened the boxes today and I must say they’re cool and I’m glad I bought them because they’re rather unique compared to must of the products that have been released in 1/30 scale recently. Frankly, they’ll look very cool alone side KC Market Garden figures IMO.

I’d recommend any die-hard WWII 1/30 scale collector to get this entire set from despite the fact that CS AA Flak gun barrel is a bit too long. I’ll be buying the rest of the figures from this CS release once I recover from the national debt (a.k.a. Income Taxes) I paid to the US Federal Government and the state of California.

Brian, I like the animation in your figures and coloring in the faces are getting better. Good look with your future releases and I look forward in getting that new Horsch soon. Hopefully US G.I.’s and vehicles, artillery or armor will be released by CS in the near future too.

I agree, I think the gun barrel is a tad long. I found very few orthographic views when constructing the piece. We actually asked the factory to trim it down a bit, it was actually longer! I think a bit smaller would have been best.

Now how about that, a manufacturer actually admitting that they made a little error!

That's a refreshing stance in this hobby, good sir, and I highly commend you for it!! It almost makes me want to go out and buy the Flak just to reward your honesty.

Brian, I hope other manufacturers take a page from your book on how to interact with customers, it is truly a breath of fresh air, when all we're used to hearing is the same old deny, deny, cover-up, silence.

P.S. I was the first one back in August to point out the barrel length issue.
Hi Recieved my flak gun could you let me know if it came with a certificate...as mine didnot ,and as the other two pieces did regards ern...
Cheers Ern:

Per the CC website it looks like only the vehicles come with a respective certificate. Hope this helps you out!

Hang Tough,
Here is the Flak 30 without the soldier.

The picture Alex posted is of a repaint he did for me. He also repainted a Sdfkz 222 in grey. In order to remove the seated figure on the 37mm Alex had to preform radical amputations and the poor fellow did not survive.
I have seen that piece with the soldier. It was too bad that was not a seperate piece to begin with. Looks very nice without the guy in it. Nice work Alex.
The picture Alex posted is of a repaint he did for me. He also repainted a Sdfkz 222 in grey. In order to remove the seated figure on the 37mm Alex had to preform radical amputations and the poor fellow did not survive.

You certainly could say this is a 37mm gun (rather than the more common 20mm) and then the long barrel would be more accurate.
Canadian Samurai,

I disagree, after watching the youtube video someone posted of the flak 30 it appears that the barrel length is fairly accurate.
Hi Breaker,

Depending on perspective photos/videos can be deceiving. I have an exact 1/6th model of the 20mm Flak 30 taking up a shelf in my house so I'm quite familiar with the dimensions of this gun in person, in addition to the photographic references I have. Plus on page 1 Brian agreed its a tiny bit too long. ;)

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