Figarti K 5 (2 Viewers)

Its a terrific piece, a great addition to Your collection.

At $1800+ let me know when it arrives and I'll come take a look!:D
What a super looking piece ,from the reports i,ve read it looks like
figarti have taken their fair share of thunder at this show :).
Very nice Steven. I love it but I think that is kind of out of my price range but if I won the lottery I would buy one.
The prototype is a great looking piece. Will the actual consumer version come with a tube of glue and touchup paint ?
Wonderfull piece! Too big for my needs, and too much $$$$$ for my budget, but would be nice for those who have a diorama the size of an entire room. Figarti does some great work.
This is wonderful piece, the pictures do not do it justice, you need to see the K5 in person to see how great it is.
There is a show playing on the History International Channel called, "The Western Front: The Battle for Monte Cassino."

It showed "Anzio Annie" firing. Just thought I would let you know.
1:30 scale, in all its glory!!:cool::cool:

I was afraid of that.... man I could be in big trouble:eek:. I've always
liked the big rail guns and this one is looking like it would be a mighty fine
centerpiece for my WWII collection. :cool:
I guess we'll have to wait and see . . . I would love an entire armored train!!:D

Me to, with onboard FALK and some spare tanks...

And as a separate range a Compiegne car...
What do you think about that?

Hi, is STEVEN CHONG the owner of FIGARTI?? My question is, are you planning on making 1/30 scale track in the future?

James Wang, and his son Rick Wang are the owners of Figarti. Steven Chong is a close friend of Rick Wang, who I believe does some work as an attorney for the Wangs, but I'm not sure if he does any work or has any direct connection to Figarti other than as a collector and friend of Rick's.
Hi, is STEVEN CHONG the owner of FIGARTI?? My question is, are you planning on making 1/30 scale track in the future?
At least you do not think I am Rick Wang.:cool: The running joke at the 2008 Chicago Show, which Rick mentioned at the start of the Lunch with Figarti, was that many collectors confuse the two of us at shows. During the Chicago Show, about 20 collectors came up to me: "How is your father was doing? What is this vehicle made from? Now that you are making this, Figarti should make that ... etc." Rick thought it was very funny until someone came up to him and called him Steven -- this collector actually knows me but still mistakenly called Rick "Steven" twice.:D

I apologize for any confusion, but I try to answer questions where I have the information. I also liked the foam tunnel and had asked Rick for the source, so I had the answer to your question. I do not know if Figarti is planning on making 1/30 scale track.:)
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