95th Rifles! (1 Viewer)

Damian you're right, to complete this collection I should amend my second suggestion to be "lying on his stomach, balancing his rifle on a sandbag"! :D

Also, pointing guy is there second from the right, he's just kneeling this time.;)
Here's a third pose: a guy loading by hammering shot into his rifle with the little mallet they carried. Frontline has done this pose but CS might have been able to do it better. Again, I'm trying to think of poses that differentiate the 95th from your standard redcoat.

I took a second look at your lineup here and clearly they are intended to work alongside some of your other figures in the center of a battle with their bayonets being fixed to repel cavalry and all. Given that, I guess their standard poses are pretty appropriate. I was thinking more of skirmishing poses, which are a little more interesting and exotic, but maybe not what you wanted for the grand scheme of your Napoleonic range.
Thats just the same one and a variant on it at that!:D
I don't quite follow you on that one. A figure shooting from his back and one shooting prone on his stomach are two distinct poses and no more just variants than a standing loading and standing firing figure are. More seriously though, can anything be done about the relatively brutal (or to be honest, ugly) faces for these figures. I know the British army of that period recruited from the dregs of society but they weren't all that scary looking were they?
I don't quite follow you on that one. A figure shooting from his back and one shooting prone on his stomach are two distinct poses and no more just variants than a standing loading and standing firing figure are. More seriously though, can anything be done about the relatively brutal (or to be honest, ugly) faces for these figures. I know the British army of that period recruited from the dregs of society but they weren't all that scary looking were they?

I quite agree Bill. Us Brits throughout the centuries have been renowned for our good, nay, stunning looks. A nation of handsome devils, if I say so myself. :):rolleyes:
I quite agree Bill. Us Brits throughout the centuries have been renowned for our good, nay, stunning looks. A nation of handsome devils, if I say so myself. :):rolleyes:

Well, looking on the bright side, they are green aren't they Simon? :rolleyes:

I actually kind of like the looks of these guys. Fairly dynamic looking figures in some cases, though I have not yet spotted all 10 of them in the photos we've seen so far. Nice to see the new releases continuing to materialize, Brian.

Well, looking on the bright side, they are green aren't they Simon? :rolleyes:

I actually kind of like the looks of these guys. Fairly dynamic looking figures in some cases, though I have not yet spotted all 10 of them in the photos we've seen so far. Nice to see the new releases continuing to materialize, Brian.


Ouch! :eek:;)

I always thought the Rifles would have looked better in a nice navy blue.
I agree, these are some nice looking figures with good poses.
#2 - a guy lying on his stomach shooting, his rifle balanced across his shako hat.

Why two figures lying down? Well for the 95th these were common poses when they were trying to shoot with high accuracy, and these poses would provide a nice variation from all the other Napoleonic figs out there who only tend to stand or kneel.

I'll think of some more later. You guys have months to dream up these figs - not sure why I have to do it all in one posting.

You mean like these? :)


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Those look like Little legion! I have the laying on the back figure resting the rifle on his boots.
Thanks, I am thinking of getting some more. The combined options between these 2 mfr's is absolutely gi-normous.

I am still on the fence about these. Some of the poses are nice and all the bodies and some of the faces are ok but this center lad reminds me a bit of Freddie Kruger:eek:. Unfortunately he is one of the key poses. I think if I were to get him I would be bringing out the dremel tool and paint.:(

Dave, which of your figures are which and are they compatible size wise?

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