Don't worry Brad................... (4 Viewers)


Lieutenant General
May 12, 2005
because the Mets have the Cardinals right where they want them; headed back to Shea down three games to two. You remember what happened the LAST time the Mets went back to Shea down three games to two; you don't, ok, let me remind you.

It was game six (yeh, THAT game six) of the 1986 World Series. The Mets were picked by almost everyone to not only win the series that year, but sweep the Red Sox. MY Red Sox. Well, things didn't go as planned. The Mets gagged away the first two games at home, went to Fenway and somehow pulled out two of three to head back to Shea down three games to two (sounding familiar yet?).

The game went into extra innings and Dave Henderson cracked a go ahead home run to put the sox up by one. Had that lead held up, a statue of Dave would have been built outside of Fenway. Boggs knocked in an insurance run and the Sox were up by two, only three outs to go.

The first two Mets batters went down, the scoreboard flashed "Congratulations Boston Red Sox, 1986 World Series Champions", the champagne was wheeled into the Red Sox clubhouse, then disaster struck, base hit, base hit, base hit, run scores, wild pitch, run scores to tie the game, then, "a little roller along the bag, and it gets by Buckner, Ray Knight scores, AND THE METS WIN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

The next night, the Sox go up by three runs, but lose the game, pull defeat from the jaws of victory and the Mets stole the World Series that year.

2004 changed all of that as your cross town rivals pulled the biggest choke job in the history of sports, the Sox went on to beat the Cardinals and helped ease the pain of the 1986 collapse.

Get ready to see the ball go through Buckners legs about five thousand times tomorrow on your six o'clock news, it will be the lead story on the pregame show, and hundreds of Mets fans will have some sort of homemade sign saying stuff like "We'se did it in 1986 and you'se can do'se it this year", "1986 revisited", "The curse lives" (oh yeah, that curse is now dead).

Take a wild guess who I will be pulling for the rest of the series...............
George, you crack me up. Somehow, I think you'll be rooting for some team wearing red. Wish we had some of those 86 pitchers because we need 'em to pitch.

Unfortunately, I just can't see Carpenter pitching a bad game again. And I'd like to see them win another title in my lifetime. I saw it twice so I guess I can't complain. Thank god I'm not a Cubs fan. But you know the Mets don't make it easy. Being a Mets fan is about suffering. We suffer through bad years and then once in awhile we get good, then return to our misery.

However, picture this. "There's a slow roller up the first base line, the ball gets behind Pujols. The Mets win, the Mets win!!"

Mookie will be there for you tomorrow George. Let's face it the BoSox didn't deserve to win, they started celebrating before it was over. Getting those 27 outs can be hard. Gives the game a certain symmetry.
Brad, I would like to gloat about tonights win, but what scares me is all the St Louis talk show host are already putting the Cardinals in the WS, that is not a given.
As Yogi says "It,s not over till it,s over".
My first love is Blues Hockey, then Rams football, so it,s not life or death if the Cardinals don,t go in for me, but it,s fun to watch.
Why waste a perfectly good world series by having the Cardinals get there and pull a 4 game choke job against any American League team. Am I a off Yankee fan.......You betcha. Michael
Ahh, the arrogant Yankee fans can never keep quiet :)

I still blame the Cardinals for laying down against the Dead Sox in the WS after the Yanks record defeating performance in the playoffs, whenever, since I can not remember Yankee disasters from year to year........Michael
For Mets fans, seeing the Yankees lose that way was sheer delight.
As happy as you are to have seen your team win the WS twice in your lifetime (so far), I am thrilled to see the Red Sox win it just once. Not only did they win it, it was the way they did it, by going through the Yankmes. Not only was that the biggest choke job in the history of baseball, it was the biggest in sports history. Sports HISTORY.

I remember when the Yankmes got PayFraud, all I heard was "Hoi, hoi, it's like Babe Ruth all over again, you'se guys are never going to win it, hoi, hoi." Actually, it WAS like Babe Ruth, only this time, it was the Yankmes who are cursed. Imagine a 252 million dollar player who has hit .078 in the playoffs? Now THAT is funny. Imagine a team with a 203 million dollar payroll losing to a team with a 60 million dollar payroll? The Athletics, Twins and Tigers payroll was 208 million combined. What a joke.

The funny thing is Heir Steinbrenner will throw money around again this off season, probably grabbing Carlos Lee, Barry Zito, Jason Schmidt and whoever else suits his fancy. Grab Bonds while you're at it so he can break Aaron's record in Yankme stadium. Go ahead and grab him, half your team is on steroids anyway, so what's one more, right?

Prior to 2004, whenever I would see those dark blue hats with the white NY, my blood would boil. Now when I see some clown wearing one, I laugh.

I hope either the Cardinals or the Mets beat the Tigers, they don't deserve to win anything. Prior to this season, their average attendance was what, friends and family of the players? I love it when a team like the Tigers, Marlins, Diamondbacks, Angels, etc goes to the World Series and all of the fair weather "fans" show up for the games. When they go in the tank the next year, they all jump of the ship like rats.
I have to run but the one great thing about the Cardinals is their fans. I was to old Busch a couple of times and I don't think there are any more loyal fans around. They support their team through thick and thin, more than I can say about Yankee and Mets fans. When the team is bad, the place is like a mausoleum.
George, if I,m reading your post right, you don,t like the Yankees, am I right?
Yea, that WS with the Sox a few years ago was an embarressment here in St. Louis.
If the Cardinals do get in the WS, we have to avenge 1968 with Detroit.
George, if I,m reading your post right, you don,t like the Yankees, am I right?
Yea, that WS with the Sox a few years ago was an embarressment here in St. Louis.
If the Cardinals do get in the WS, we have to avenge 1968 with Detroit.


If you live in Boston, it's not that you don't like the Yankees: you hate the Yankees. You're born that way. Same things with the Mets. You can't stand the Yankees or their fans. An arrogant lot for the most part.

If you live in Boston, it's not that you don't like the Yankees: you hate the Yankees. You're born that way. Same things with the Mets. You can't stand the Yankees or their fans. An arrogant lot for the most part.

It's in our genes, Brad, there's nothing we can do about it so why fight it. It's not just the arrogance, though that's a huge part of it, there's just something wrong with being allowed to "purchase" championships.:rolleyes: Salary cap my butt!:mad: Poor A-rod, "they don't like me 'cause I'm so good looking", what a dink (.071 batting ave. in playoffs:D ).

You are correct, I cannot stand the Yankmes. As others have pointed out, it's the arrogance, the sense of entitlement, the way they thumb their nose at the salary cap, just the way they go about things.

I'll say this; since the historic run from 1995 to 2000, where they won all of those World Series, they did it with home grown talent (Jeter, Posada, Williams, Rivera) and some great role players (O'Neil, etc). From 2000 on, they have brought in all of this high priced talent (Roid boy Giambi, PayFraud, Damon, Sheffield, Johnson, Wright, Pavano) and have won squat.

No doubt they will back up the truck in the off season and try to buy all of the best players; I'd love to see a Cardinals/Tigers series so as you pointed out, the Cardinals can avenge that 1968 loss like we avenged the 1967 loss............
Brad, as I posted before game 6, this is not a Cardinal given.
Scott Rolan should be tarred and feathered and sent to the Toledo Mud Hens.
George I was being feceious, I know you can,t stand the Yankees.
I remember our conversation about Bucky F------ Dent.
Congrats to Gary and the Cards. With injuries to Pedro an El Duque, it's probably amazing that the Mets got this far. But the Series probably turned in Game 2. Plus they didn't hit. Suppan was fantastic.

However, just as in 1988, the best team doesn't always win. But I have no complaints. It was a real fun season and Maine and Perez really stepped up. The future looks bright and let's work on getting back there.
WHat an amazing NLCS that was, baseball at its finest. Should be a great World Series, I hope the Cardinals avenge that 1968 loss to the Tigers....................
The Cardinals pitching in the last few games proves the old baseball adage: good pitching will stop good hitting. After the first four games, the Cardinal pitching made the adjustment to the Mets hitters but the Mets hitters didn't make that adjustment back.
Brad, you took the loss as a class act.
You are right, the Mets were the better team, however, the Cards were also the better team and lost the past few seasons.
I have to say, after that catch, I told my wife it,s over, but again, "It,s not over till it,s over"

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