Figarti SAS Jeep (6 Viewers)

The figures are not removable. Do people want 1/32 scale SAS jeeps without crew?:)


Definitely! I plan to buy squads of those jeeps. It is quite odd to see them all posed the same. Maybe you could petition Rick to make the crew removable or at least make the driver pose in a more neutral position. Otherwise it will be just one for now...lost sale opportunity for Figarti. There are lot's of us "crazies" who buy multiple sets to build an army...take a cue from HB Panthers (same model with diffrent stowage and crew poses)

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I really think it is smart of your team to address areas that people have been clamoring to see addressed, like the SAS/LRDG, Pegasus Bridge and Vietnam. I already pre-ordered both the SAS jeep and Vietnam Patrol Boat, and will certainly buy one of those Bridges. Figarti already has one showcase up in my personal museum, and upon receipt of the Bridge will be the only manufacturer other than K&C with a diorama on display. Figarti products are really well done, and your steady improvement in quality has been truly exceptional. Keep up the great work!

I really think it is smart of your team to address areas that people have been clamoring to see addressed, like the SAS/LRDG, Pegasus Bridge and Vietnam. I already pre-ordered both the SAS jeep and Vietnam Patrol Boat, and will certainly buy one of those Bridges. Figarti already has one showcase up in my personal museum, and upon receipt of the Bridge will be the only manufacturer other than K&C with a diorama on display. Figarti products are really well done, and your steady improvement in quality has been truly exceptional. Keep up the great work!


Thanks for the encouragement and support. Figarti Miniature has come a long ways and my Dad and I want to make unique products the "Figarti Way". I am very appreciative to having collectors buying our work and we will continue to improve. I look forward to seeing photos of My Dad at your museum this weekend. Post a couple photos if you can, especially with him and Andy together, I think its great the industry comes together to share the passion of our hobby!

Are the figures cast in or glued in....Might be worth the effort to personally remove the driver for replacement with a figure to be named later and thus wanting to buy more than 1 jeep.........Michael
Are the figures cast in or glued in....Might be worth the effort to personally remove the driver for replacement with a figure to be named later and thus wanting to buy more than 1 jeep.........Michael

Hi Michael,

Its glued in.

Here is a nice close-up shot I took. Louis, if you are reading this, you've got to give us a higher grade on our figures!!!



  • DSC00448_2.jpg
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Hi Michael,

Its glued in.

Here is a nice close-up shot I took. Louis, if you are reading this, you've got to give us a higher grade on our figures!!!


Is it easy to remove w/o damaging the seat? I intend to buy 5 of these. It would look odd to have 5 posed in the same manner. Or, would you reconsider coming out with a "jeep only version?"


From my point of view these figures are excellent. They are much more

life like and a vast improvement. It seems more and more collectors are into

realizm and these fit the bill.

I can also see the reason they would preferr loose figures, to make a more

realistic display.


I know you want to standfast behind your 100 only pieces, but surely these would easily sell twice that number + change.

Would it be possible to use the same mold to do a second run, with different figures, different stowage and MG configeration?

That would be presumably make it a little more profitable at your end and give some variance in terms of poses. And because they're different runs, they'd still just add up to 100. I'd certainly go for a second 'version'. Just a thought.

Is it easy to remove w/o damaging the seat? I intend to buy 5 of these. It would look odd to have 5 posed in the same manner. Or, would you reconsider coming out with a "jeep only version?"


And if I may add, it's ok to have an "amputee" driver so you could slide it in behind the steering wheel. It wont be seen once the driver is in place.
Hi Michael,

Its glued in.

Here is a nice close-up shot I took. Louis, if you are reading this, you've got to give us a higher grade on our figures!!!


Those are great action figs, bar none, mine will stay just as you made them and I'll wait for the next!
Ray ;)

I know you want to standfast behind your 100 only pieces, but surely these would easily sell twice that number + change.

Would it be possible to use the same mold to do a second run, with different figures, different stowage and MG configeration?

That would be presumably make it a little more profitable at your end and give some variance in terms of poses. And because they're different runs, they'd still just add up to 100. I'd certainly go for a second 'version'. Just a thought.


Hi Simon,

We will not make re-runs of the same product. Same product meaning same pose, same figures, same paint, same everything. If there is a second version, it will be different but we will not go back and make more of the current one.

I once bought a very very rare diecast car that was out of production for over 20 years, and then last year, the manufacturer decided to re-cast and re-run the same car. I was very disappointed, that is why I won't do that to you guys.

Any chance that you would put out at least a second driver figure so that we can do the dirty work and create our own unique vehicle........? Michael
Thanks for responding and clarifying Rick.

I guess we'll have to hang fire for the support until an LRDG is avaiable. :)

Hi Simon,

We will not make re-runs of the same product. Same product meaning same pose, same figures, same paint, same everything. If there is a second version, it will be different but we will not go back and make more of the current one.

I once bought a very very rare diecast car that was out of production for over 20 years, and then last year, the manufacturer decided to re-cast and re-run the same car. I was very disappointed, that is why I won't do that to you guys.



As a long time Lionel Collector since early 1970'S I was quite disapointed when they decided to re-release a lot of the old classic pieces.

I never purchased one, and watched them all sit on tables at shows and sell
for fractions of their original price.

They did impact the classic pieces.....but replace them....never!

Hi Michael,

Its glued in.

Here is a nice close-up shot I took. Louis, if you are reading this, you've got to give us a higher grade on our figures!!!



Your firgures are definitely improving. These, and the "Westcoaster" British Para your father generously presented me with at the Symposium are the best Figarti figures I've seen so far, and are way better than the ones I saw even six months ago at the Chicago show. Well done, and keep up the good work!


Your firgures are definitely improving. These, and the "Westcoaster" British Para your father generously presented me with at the Symposium are the best Figarti figures I've seen so far, and are way better than the ones I saw even six months ago at the Chicago show. Well done, and keep up the good work!



To have you say that is like getting a great progress report! Now I want to make honor roll.


To have you say that is like getting a great progress report! Now I want to make honor roll.



Figarti is already on my Honor Roll. You average out an AAA+++ for the vehicles with a B- for the figures and for my money you are number two in the class after K&C. At the rate both K&C and Figarti are going, with constant quality improvements on a month to month, much less year to year basis, you will leave companies like Conte and Britains far behind, and pretty soon Aeroart/St. Petersburg will be sweating.

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