General Rob - The Big 20! (12 Viewers)


Sep 30, 2005
......well Mon General that's 20,000 posts and everyone a winner! :tongue:^&grin^&grin

Congrats mate and remember the G&T's are on you in March. :wink2::smile2::smile2:

Congrats my friend, you earned that General title!!! now on to a 5 stars:)...Sammy
Hi Rob,

Congratulations on reaching 20,000.

:salute:: :salute:: :salute:: :salute::

Salute, Raymond.
Congrat's Rob for reaching the milestone. :salute::

Hi Rob,

Congratulations on becoming a general! You have earned the rank as a faithful, interested, and committed Treefrogger and by contributing so much to the forum. My compliments on a job well done!

Warmest personal regards,

Pat {bravo}}
Get a life Rob....................^&grin

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Thank you guys, you are all very kind indeed, much appreciated.:salute::

Does this mean I'm now allowed to sit in the garden of a French chateau thirty miles behind the lines, sipping champagne, smoking fine cigars and making small talk with the maid as my boys go over the top???:smile2::wink2:

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Thank you guys, you are all very kind indeed, much appreciated.:salute::

Does this mean I'm now allowed to sit in the garden of a French chateau thirty miles behind the lines, sipping champagne, smoking fine cigars and making small talk with the maid as my boys go over the top???:smile2::wink2:


No, it just means that every action of yours will be argued about, you will be blamed for everything going wrong and that you will be labelled as a donkey. So, no change really. Trooper
Thank you guys, you are all very kind indeed, much appreciated.:salute::

Does this mean I'm now allowed to sit in the garden of a French chateau thirty miles behind the lines, sipping champagne, smoking fine cigars and making small talk with the maid as my boys go over the top???:smile2::wink2:


Knock yourself out Rob and small talk with the maids?? I would be doing much more than that if i was you...^&grin

No, it just means that every action of yours will be argued about, you will be blamed for everything going wrong and that you will be labelled as a donkey. So, no change really. Trooper

All of a sudden I'm back in the Post office again!^&grin

Knock yourself out Rob and small talk with the maids?? I would be doing much more than that if i was you...^&grin



I was keeping in mind this is a family forum!^&grin:wink2:


I was keeping in mind this is a family forum!^&grin:wink2:


Oops! back to the gutter for me....


I was keeping in mind this is a family forum!^&grin:wink2:


Oops! back to the gutter for me....



No mate, you had the right idea!^&grin:wink2:



Ok guys, stand easy:salute::. Now as you know I've been promoted today. Now its not all fine red wine, fine breakfast pastries fine french dancers at the Folie Bergere and below par servants you know, as your commanding officer I have to make difficult decisions , thats why I've come to this Australian part of the line to find the best soldiers in the British and Commonwealth army. I need a raiding party of you Aussies to go over the top this evening on a reco raid on the German Trench opposite us. When I say reco, I don't mean recon, its also short for recover. You see I understand the Germans have their Teutonic backsides upon one or two cases of a very fine Brandy over in Jerry's Trench and to be honest I'm having one or two chaps from the mess back to the Chateau...I mean dugout of course... and rather fancy giving them a drop of captured gut rot after we've eaten our five course meal what. Knew I could rely on you chaps to volunteeer, but just in case I can't here is a list of those on the raiding party;

Larso, Brett, Waynepoo, Jack, Wayne, Oz, Simmo, Tom,Howard.

If I've left anyone off feel free to take them along. Now I cannot stress enough how timing will be absolutely vital on this raid, intel from my cook informs me Dessert course will finish around 8.30 so you must have the Brandy back to me by then. Now I know struggling in the dark across no mans land is going to be very difficult indeed and cause delay, so I've arranged for a couple of flares to be sent up, that should help you see for miles around, no don't thank me, its the least I can do, what. I also thought that carrying boxes of Brandy back will also not be easy, so on this raid you will not be taking rifles just bayonets.

Obviously I can't be with you in person but I will be in spirit, or to put it another way hopefully the spirit will be with me when and if you all make it back across the wire, what. Good luck chaps , oh and if any of you should get in a funk and not go over the top I will of course have you shot, War is such a dirty business isn't it, reminds me, I must get my man to clean my golf bag.

Tally ho!

Rob (**** General, what what !!)
How come the British generals are always sending the Australians on the tough jobs?:rolleyes2:{sm3}:tongue:^&grin^&grin^&grin -- Al
How come the British generals are always sending the Australians on the tough jobs?:rolleyes2:{sm3}:tongue:^&grin^&grin^&grin -- Al

Al, the reasons are two fold A)They are skilled and courageous Soldiers B) in this case they will take care to bring the booze back safely!:wink2:

four stars go for Field Marshal.
congratulations rob. :salute::
Al, the reasons are two fold A)They are skilled and courageous Soldiers B) in this case they will take care to bring the booze back safely!:wink2:

Rob, congrats on the promotion and the widespread responsibility that goes with the rank. One more question though, or rather, an observation. I don't think that there is a snowball's chance in the outback that your Aussie troops are going to bring back a drop of that booze. :wink2:^&grin -- Al

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