NHL Lock Out Question (5 Viewers)

Hockey is not a sport anymore
It's a bussiness and money is the bottom line
like everything else
The days of Pride and Honor are long gone my freind
This year i just hope Brady and the boys go all the way
It will be very interesting monday night

Right as always Bernie, sports in general are all about money, how much can the owners make, how little can they spend, how much can the players make, who can blame them, they each have their own agenda.

Will be at the game Monday night, should be interesting............
There are plenty of AHL, EHL and other teams out there deserving of support. Go out and see a game in you have one of those teams in your area. It's a blast. Like something out of "Slap Shot". The cub scouts sing the national anthem, you get a couple of fights, a great game and everyone goes home happy.

There are plenty of AHL, EHL and other teams out there deserving of support. Go out and see a game in you have one of those teams in your area. It's a blast. Like something out of "Slap Shot". The cub scouts sing the national anthem, you get a couple of fights, a great game and everyone goes home happy.


Lucky guy you are getting to see Smoltzy work his magic; maybe when the Providence Bruins play them I'll take a drive out so Smotzly can stand on his head, something about that black and gold uniform.............
Lucky guy you are getting to see Smoltzy work his magic; maybe when the Providence Bruins play them I'll take a drive out so Smotzly can stand on his head, something about that black and gold uniform.............

I saw him get torched last night by the Hamilton Bulldogs. He actually fell flat on his back at one point while the action was at the other end. 8-8 in the AHL to match his 7-7 performance in the NHL playoffs last season. The Hershey Bears average between 9 and 10Kattendance per game. Pretty amazing.
Well, they finally cancelled the only NHL game that I had tickets for. The tickets cost more than my season tickets to the AHL Bears so maybe there is a bright side. I can also give the symbolic "double eagle" salute to the NHL for this year. If they ever work this out the fans should boycott the first game and let them play in an empty stadium.
I really believe the owners have a date in mind that they will let this go too. Then, when that date arrives, they will come to terms and the shortened season will start.
In the scheme of things I wish they would just cancel the season. It will not be a legitement season.
I would like to cancel my season tickets now but I know I would cave in once they start playing again and I then would not be able to get the same seats I currently have.
At least the arena won,t be jam packed as casual fans definetly won,t be there.
I really believe the owners have a date in mind that they will let this go too. Then, when that date arrives, they will come to terms and the shortened season will start.
In the scheme of things I wish they would just cancel the season. It will not be a legitement season.
I would like to cancel my season tickets now but I know I would cave in once they start playing again and I then would not be able to get the same seats I currently have.
At least the arena won,t be jam packed as casual fans definetly won,t be there.

I could live with a 48 game season since I typically don't become interested until the playoffs. But I think it is unlikely this gets resolved. It's mystifying to me that players would give up their salaries for one entire year and the owners would give up the revenues in return for some minor points that will never recoup this money.
This is ridiculous. Mike Illich owner of the Red Wings came out the other day and said that the owners better get it together soon otherwise hockey will be comparable to the sport of bowling. Talk about ruining a sport.
This is ridiculous. Mike Illich owner of the Red Wings came out the other day and said that the owners better get it together soon otherwise hockey will be comparable to the sport of bowling. Talk about ruining a sport.

It's totally ridiculous Joe, both sides are to blame on this mess. They did a story here about how all the businesses near the Garden are suffering this year, many had to lay off help, some are on the verge of going out of business as they depend on the money to keep they going from year to year.

What a collection of horses ***** they all are over this; money they'll never get back, a sport ruined as a result, even if they come back this year, I could care less..................
I'm not a huge hockey fan but I do keep an eye on the Caps and the Original Six. I don't see how the sport can survive a second serious stoppage within such a short time span. It is nothing but pure contempt that is being shown for the fans, by both sides. They are spitting on their livelyhood. It is suicide. -- Al
My cousin told me that there was a servey
and 58% of the people said they were done with hockey
Remain to be seen. God knows what will happen
I'm curious to see how many people will go to the
games when they start back, will be interesting to see.
Remember baseball when they went in lockout
They paid the price and i don't care what they
say Mark McGuire save them the year after.
I followded them like a hawk and it din't
matter what program was on, they used to put
a square on tv when McGuire came at bat.
U die hard fan remember that , Right??
Time will tell
The NHL yesterday made a new offer. This will be the deal and the season will start in mid to late January.
Die hard fans like myself will return, but I don,t know about others.
This year will be a sham, playoffs in my mind won,t mean the same. I have pretty much decided I won,t buy playoff tickets, but I have already paid for regular season.
It's totally ridiculous Joe, both sides are to blame on this mess. They did a story here about how all the businesses near the Garden are suffering this year, many had to lay off help, some are on the verge of going out of business as they depend on the money to keep they going from year to year.

What a collection of horses ***** they all are over this; money they'll never get back, a sport ruined as a result, even if they come back this year, I could care less..................

I know the businesses around the Joe are suffering just as bad. It would help a bit if the Pistons were actually in the city of Detroit but they are located a good 45 minutes away in a suburb called Auburn Hills so the city businesses don't see any perks from the Pistons.

I'm a die hard hockey fan like a lot of people around here and truth be told I'll probably just be glad when its back and tune into the first televised game. Since the sport will pretty much be done after this I will have to make sure my local cable subscriber carries ESPN44 so I can tune into the games:rolleyes2:
Finally getting back to business soon. In some way a 48-game season is ideal even if the circumstances were not. Most teams make the playoffs and the regular season is largely an exhibition. So cut to the chase. btw: for those on the east coast the AHL Outdoor Classic is taking place on Jan. 20. Hershey Bears vs Wilkes-Barre Scranton Penguins. A lot of fun with hockey in the great outdoors. Tickets are available: http://www.hersheybears.com/tickets/outdoor_classic.php This includes a free pass to Hershey Park next summer which basically pays for your hockey ticket.
I never realized how much of my leisure time, wait a minute, I,m retired and all my time is leisure, had to do with hockey. All of which until Jan. 19th there was none.
Go to 2 or 3 Blues games a week, 2 or 3 more games a week on TV. And even worse for me, my grandson did not play hockey this year, that was another couple of games a week I didn,t attend.
I got tired of watching the Food Channel, American Pickers, and HG TV.
I believe after a few games into the new season it will be like nothing happened, especially for the hard core fans.
NHL hockey may not reach out to the vast sports crowd that baseball and football do, but I truely believe hockey has the most hard core fans as any sport.
As long as I don,t see Bettman or Fehrs picture again I,ll be good to go.
Most teams make the playoffs and the regular season is largely an exhibition.

Just a slight exaggeration since 16 of 30 teams make it. Usually the last couple of weeks are rather interesting and more than a few teams kick themselves over poor starts that had they turned around sooner would see them in rather than out. It's just that there are a few teams that are consistently bad so everyone knows they're golfing by mid-April that is seems like everyone gets in. :smile2:

Too bad the Winter Classic had to be cancelled. Not that I'd go (I can freeze while watching a hockey game for a whole lot cheaper), but a lot of Detroit and Toronto fans were excited about it. Maybe next year.
The Philadelphia Flyers sold tickets for friday's practice
They sold 10,000 tickets in one day
Tickets for lower deck only
All sold the same day
Figure that one out
Just a slight exaggeration since 16 of 30 teams make it.

A slight exaggeration, but it is pretty comical in that you play 82 games to eliminate 14 teams, then 7 to eliminate 8.

The fact that roughly 50% of the teams make the playoffs is a farce, I fully understand it's all about money, you want the 6, 7 and 8 teams in each conference and their fans to have hope, but it is very watered down...................
Season starts this weekend and Rangers welcome Nash to the fold. Pity the Bruins ^&grin (George will say: it's comical).

I don't know about elsewhere but in the NY area, the local teams are trying to do something for the fans, as a feeble way to make amends. I know the Ice-landers are having an open practice and the Rangers are giving away tee shirts at the opener.


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