Hats off and kudos to all K&C Dio makers! (4 Viewers)

Jack, here are some earlier shots of Bob's where he began to perfect the explosion scenes;

(Gettysburg )





Hi Guys,

Let me add not only Gordon and my own’s voices to the words of praise for all the diorama makers (large and small) who utilize our figures and fighting vehicles in a bewildering range of styles and ideas.

All of our staff at K&C HQ look at the Forum on a regular basis and enjoy tremendously the imagination and effort involved.

It gives all of us a buzz to see how you use what we produce. Thankyou all and many congratulations!

Best wishes,

Andy C.
'Rod' , that's not my name Neil!:wink2: This thread is about K&C dio's only. Also I really don't want this thread to drift into any other producers mate, they have their own areas for that, otherwise before you know it the arguments will start. Cheers


Look like we both can get people name wrong mate :wink2:sorry missed out it was only kc dio in this thread but the photo I posted is KC done very well by Mitch back on topic ^&grin
One of the biggest reasons why I joined the forum was to see people's K&C dios and set-ups. The dioramas never cease to amaze me!!!!!

To me, it is what collecting toy soldiers is all about. Pure enjoyment and appreciation of other’s ideas and skills, brought to life via K&C.
One of the biggest reasons why I joined the forum was to see people's K&C dios and set-ups. The dioramas never cease to amaze me!!!!!

To me, it is what collecting toy soldiers is all about. Pure enjoyment and appreciation of other’s ideas and skills, brought to life via K&C.

Could not agree more. Very well said. . Cruelios' s Commando dio is a perfect example. The Commandos are superb figures already, but put them in a scene such as his and WOW!!

Thanks Rob.
I always make my dio with great pleasure.
and like to share them with you on the forum.

Harrie :salute::
Jack, here are some earlier shots of Bob's where he began to perfect the explosion scenes;

(Gettysburg )

That did make me smile - when I saw the Alamo explosion I thought that the mystery diorama maker was doing well to overshadow Bob's ACW scene that followed.

Do you know the scene in 'Hell and Back' when Audie Murphy bursts into a house and shoots a mirror and someone jokes that 'only a Texan could beat himself to the draw'?

I suppose we might say that only Bob can outdo Bob!!
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Jack, here are some earlier shots of Bob's where he began to perfect the explosion scenes;

(Gettysburg )

That did make me smile - when I saw the Alamo explosion I thought that the mystery diorama maker was doing well to overshadow Bob's ACW scene that followed.

Do you know the scene in 'Hell and Back' when Audie Murphy bursts into a house and shoots a mirror and someone jokes that 'only a Texan could beat himself to the draw'?

I suppose we might say that only Bob can outdo Bob!!

He sure is a master of the battle scene, if I buy him enough G&T's in the bar he gives me the odd tip here and there:salute::^&grin Don't remember that scene , must go back and check it out but I get your point, Bob has to get up early to beat Bob!

My favorite story of Bob's is neither American Civil War nor Alamo but his Nous Sommes Touts Savages, http://www.treefrogtreasures.com/forum/showthread.php?7729-Nous-sommes-touts-Sauvages-1759

Although I'm not a huge fan of that time period, Bob's writing and direction result in some of the most gripping scenes he has done.

Hope Rob doesn't mind I mention it as I don't believe it includes any K & C figures.


No probs Brad, there are indeed some gripping scenes in that thread. I find Bob's work truly inspiring, he also helped get me into the ACW of course. An interest that was cemented even further by your kind gift my friend:salute::

Earlier in this thread I made an error of gross oversight when I omitted to add Robin's work to the pics I posted, so I would like to rectify that error if I may. To this end I post these superb scenes from this very talented and thoroughly decent chap:salute::


Earlier in this thread I made an error of gross oversight when I omitted to add Robin's work to the pics I posted, so I would like to rectify that error if I may. To this end I post these superb scenes from this very talented and thoroughly decent chap:salute::



Rob, great idea for a thread, there are too many guys to name though!!!! This has been my favourite pastime, see the Bored tonight thread started by Carlos for example in the dio thread with Carlos, Tim, Fubar, Lt etc etc etc.

To resort to monty pythion
There are three great dio makers - Gordon, Bob, Robin, Carlos ^&confuse

there are four great dio makers etc etc etc etc ^&grin
Rob, great idea for a thread, there are too many guys to name though!!!! This has been my favourite pastime, see the Bored tonight thread started by Carlos for example in the dio thread with Carlos, Tim, Fubar, Lt etc etc etc.

To resort to monty pythion
There are three great dio makers - Gordon, Bob, Robin, Carlos ^&confuse

there are four great dio makers etc etc etc etc ^&grin

Well said indeed kind Sir, fully agree. And lets not forget some of the outstanding scenes you too have produced my friend:salute::

Any chance you will be at the show in London in December Kevin?

Wanted to call this thread up again to flag up another superb scene from Duke. What I like about this is that it gives the impression of wide open space behind the subject, no photoshop type gimmicks just skill and an eye for a scene.

Wanted to call this thread up again to flag up another superb scene from Duke. What I like about this is that it gives the impression of wide open space behind the subject, no photoshop type gimmicks just skill and an eye for a scene.


here here - I am not keeping up too well but where was this?
Wanted to call this thread up again to flag up another superb scene from Duke. What I like about this is that it gives the impression of wide open space behind the subject, no photoshop type gimmicks just skill and an eye for a scene.


Thanks for that Rob, you are too kind my friend.

The openess in this scene is created by placing several mats JG and BAR back to back in front of a sky backdrop. Then just put something like some paper towels under the mat to create some undulation and with the multiple mats behind the figures, it creates a sense of depth.

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