New TGM WW1 German aircraft? (3 Viewers)


Lieutenant General
Jun 8, 2008
Don't want to jump the 'Gunn' on this aircraft, as there has been no announcement I am aware of, and it's not on the TGM site, but there appears to be a new aircraft available. It is a German two-seater recon aircraft, the Roland C IIa, known as the Walfisch. There are pictures of it on Aiken's Airplanes website and it looks absolutely outstanding. It appears to be an aircraft, (White 7), of Kasta 2, Kagohl 1 from late 1916 to early 1917. What I don't know is whether this is an exclusive to Aiken's as I have not seen it mentioned or shown anywhere else. There are only 3 pictures but the aircraft looks accurate to me, in colors and markings, from what limited angles are shown. Anyone know anything about this release? -- Al
Don't want to jump the 'Gunn' on this aircraft, as there has been no announcement I am aware of, and it's not on the TGM site, but there appears to be a new aircraft available. It is a German two-seater recon aircraft, the Roland C IIa, known as the Walfisch. There are pictures of it on Aiken's Airplanes website and it looks absolutely outstanding. It appears to be an aircraft, (White 7), of Kasta 2, Kagohl 1 from late 1916 to early 1917. What I don't know is whether this is an exclusive to Aiken's as I have not seen it mentioned or shown anywhere else. There are only 3 pictures but the aircraft looks accurate to me, in colors and markings, from what limited angles are shown. Anyone know anything about this release? -- Al
Forgot to say that it is labeled as Wings of War 022, (WoW022). -- Al
Can't copy the photos or I'd post them. Little on the expensive side, almost $700.
Can't copy the photos or I'd post them. Little on the expensive side, almost $700.
Yeah, the price looks to be higher than MSRP. The Eindeckers on the Aiken's site list at $579, quite a bit more than TGM price of $400. I'm betting the TGM price for the Walfisch is closer to $500, like their Halberstadt was priced at. Aiken's, for whatever reason, seems to be adding about $179 to TGM's MSRP. -- Al
You could be right Al. I guess it's called the profit motive ^&grin

I wonder if they jumped the gun and posted it before they should have.

I assume the nose art is genuine.
You could be right Al. I guess it's called the profit motive ^&grin

I wonder if they jumped the gun and posted it before they should have.

I assume the nose art is genuine.
I was wondering the same thing about a possible early announcement. The shark mouth marking is accurate. -- Al
You could be right Al. I guess it's called the profit motive ^&grin

I wonder if they jumped the gun and posted it before they should have.

I assume the nose art is genuine.

As far as I am aware the wooden planes are not available at wholesale or even if they are I doubt discount would be that good. TG sells most of these planes direct which would keep the RRP price down but at same time not allowing for much wholesale room. That is why there is the disparity between TG and their price.

Postage for planes from TG to Aiken would not be cheap and was one of the reasons I never got any of TG's first planes (cant sell a US$145 plane for RRP and make a profit if shipping by air UK to AUS). One of the most idiotic comments I have seen on this forum was by one of the "experts" a few years ago who suggested postage had no effect on sale price. There are actually some items I will not get in as know my postage cost will eat up the profit margin assuming I was to sell at RRP (ie. a Rorkes Drift hospital which costs me more to ship than my actual unit cost).

Businesses are supposed to make a profit on items/services they sell and I guess you might be employed by one. I think that the profit margin on those planes is probably less than most other items they sell. I am guessing they are counting on fact limited availablility and should have enough customers who might be interested at their price to make it worthwhile to get a few in.

Hope that gives you some other perspective concerning your comment "guess it's called the profit motive ^&grin"

Not sure how a reseller can make any money (without a wholesale discount) with a new release against direct sales by TGM when you factor in shipping. My last WOW cost $200 to ship to Canada. I guess you could wait till TGM sells out due to their limited production run and thus leaving the reseller the only game in town and a markup can be applied as there is no longer a competing price. I would prefer that resellers stay out of this process as it is very inefficient to ship these bulky items twice. The box that TGM sent the plane was massive..........


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Not sure how a reseller can make any money (without a wholesale discount) with a new release against direct sales by TGM when you factor in shipping. My last WOW cost $200 to ship to Canada. I guess you could wait till TGM sells out due to their limited production run and thus leaving the reseller the only game in town and a markup can be applied as there is no longer a competing price. I would prefer that resellers stay out of this process as it is very inefficient to ship these bulky items twice. The box that TGM sent the plane was massive..........
Thanks for posting the pictures. I think it is a good looking Walfisch. -- Al
Thanks for posting the pictures. I think it is a good looking Walfisch. -- Al

Hi Al,

They have more pictures posted on their FB page. Here's one of them:


As best as I can remember, the first model that they got in was the Hs-123. However, it was only $50 over what Gunn was asking and the shipping was free. Now, the prices are looking like new KC wood models. They also have a lot of the newer issue TG models like the Halberstadt and Eindecker, albeit marked up pretty dreadfully. It would appear that Aikens has assumed the role of "seller of last resort" for those that didn't pick up the models from Gunn. Then again, we don't know what the new year holds in the way of price increases from TG. Perhaps Aikens got a price list for new models from the manufacturer, said "wow," and marked up their pre-existing stock accordingly. I'm kind of disappointed, as I'm not going to be making a lot of purchases at those prices.:redface2:

Hi Al,

They have more pictures posted on their FB page. Here's one of them:


As best as I can remember, the first model that they got in was the Hs-123. However, it was only $50 over what Gunn was asking and the shipping was free. Now, the prices are looking like new KC wood models. They also have a lot of the newer issue TG models like the Halberstadt and Eindecker, albeit marked up pretty dreadfully. It would appear that Aikens has assumed the role of "seller of last resort" for those that didn't pick up the models from Gunn. Then again, we don't know what the new year holds in the way of price increases from TG. Perhaps Aikens got a price list for new models from the manufacturer, said "wow," and marked up their pre-existing stock accordingly. I'm kind of disappointed, as I'm not going to be making a lot of purchases at those prices.:redface2:

Hi Moe,
I didn't even know TGM had a Facebook page.:redface2: The photo of the upper wing and fuselage just reinforce my opinion that the aircraft looks really well done. It looks to be a real beauty but is also out of my modest price range at this point. It is an aircraft i would love to have, (MvR was known to have flown in this type prior to his move to fighters), but even if the TGM price is around the $500 price point, it is still out of my range. Too bad because these TGM planes are real works of art. Guess I'm going to have to stick to resin fighter aircraft.:wink2: -- Al
Moe, I am so technically challenged. I just went on Facebook and couldn't find the Walfisch. Most recent thing showing up was November posting of the RE-8. ^&confuse This is why I don't use technology too much. It always beats me. {sm2} -- Al
Moe, I am so technically challenged. I just went on Facebook and couldn't find the Walfisch. Most recent thing showing up was November posting of the RE-8. ^&confuse This is why I don't use technology too much. It always beats me. {sm2} -- Al

Hi Al,

Don't be concerned about your technical prowess. Rather, bad-on-me for using an indefinite pronoun reference in the form of "they." Gunn may not have a FB page, but Aikens does:

The pics, four of them I believe, were posted on Dec 30th. Aikens has the models for sale and it was likely Laura Aikens who took the pictures.

Here are the others:




So how many of each Gunn release would Aikens Airplanes be buying?

I assume its likely to be more than one (it would seem like a lot of effort in order to sell just one of each plane).

But even if its only two, weren't there just, for example, seven of each Eindecker to begin with???

Most of the Gunn planes seem to sell out very quickly (some of the more recent releases in just a few days).

I wonder if I'm the only potential customer of a TG warplane who greatly resents the notion of having to impulse buy a $500 plus plane (or any $500 purchase for that matter) in the space of 72 hours!

I don't pretend to have the answers but there has got to be another way..... the situation as it stands seems ludicrous to me.

Why not release say 20 of each version and just see what happens?
Would that really place such a strain on TGM and Philippine (if thats in fact where they are built) manpower ??

I say all this because I'm likely to want to buy a Gunn biplane this year and I for one am greatly frustrated by the current situation.
So how many of each Gunn release would Aikens Airplanes be buying?

I assume its likely to be more than one (it would seem like a lot of effort in order to sell just one of each plane).

But even if its only two, weren't there just, for example, seven of each Eindecker to begin with???

Most of the Gunn planes seem to sell out very quickly (some of the more recent releases in just a few days).

I wonder if I'm the only potential customer of a TG warplane who greatly resents the notion of having to impulse buy a $500 plus plane (or any $500 purchase for that matter) in the space of 72 hours!

I don't pretend to have the answers but there has got to be another way..... the situation as it stands seems ludicrous to me.

Why not release say 20 of each version and just see what happens?
Would that really place such a strain on TGM and Philippine (if thats in fact where they are built) manpower ??

I say all this because I'm likely to want to buy a Gunn biplane this year and I for one am greatly frustrated by the current situation.
Good points and one that I have had problems with in the past in regards to small Limited Edition numbers. It's a game I can't afford to play. I have to have time to make a decision and save money. An item that goes up for sale and is sold out in a couple of days may as well not even exist for me. I have no shot. An item that is offered in large enough numbers to last a couple of months (not an unreasonable shelf time) is the only way I can buy big ticket items. But this is just me venting, as I have expressed my frustration with the whole LE thing many times in the past. It is TGM's business model and they seem happy with it so I have no solution either. -- Al
It's a business model designed to ensure panic buying -- "if I don't buy it NOW, I will miss out!" -- and low inventories. The theory is if you spend your money on one of these models, it's that much less you have to spend on competitor's products. I have seen others do it and it's a game I refuse to play. If that means, I don't get a particular item, so be it. It's not the end of the world.

As far as why doesn't this company or that company release more, it's not in their economic interest to do so. You have to remember that they are not our friends: they are out to sell product and get us to spend our money and separate us from our cash. If that seems overly cynical, well, it is.
Hi Al,

Don't be concerned about your technical prowess. Rather, bad-on-me for using an indefinite pronoun reference in the form of "they." Gunn may not have a FB page, but Aikens does:

The pics, four of them I believe, were posted on Dec 30th. Aikens has the models for sale and it was likely Laura Aikens who took the pictures.

Here are the others:


-Moe[/QUOTE]Thanks Moe. Never even thought about Aiken's having Facebook page. The pictures do a good job of showing this model. I am very impressed with it. Nice colors and a substantial size. Would be a real centerpiece of a WW1 aircraft collection. I think that it is the best looking 2-seater that TGM has done, amongst the many beauties that they have produced. TGM continues to go where no else goes with their aircraft having now done Rumplers, Hannovers, Halberstadts, DH-9's, RE-8's, Eindeckers, and now this gorgeous Roland. I wouldn't be surprised if the iconic Bristol F2b shows up somewhere along the line (and no, I have no information regarding such, just a guess on my part). One thing for sure, with the outstanding fighter aircraft from JJD and the outstanding 2-seaters from TGM, we WW1 aircraft collectors are being well and truly served by these two manufacturers. A true Golden Age for those who believe two wings (or even three), are better than one.:wink2:^&grin^&cool -- Al
Are there any other dealers for Gunn model airplanes in the USA?

I think that I read somewhere that Sierra has carried some of them in the past.

I've slept several times since then, however, so who knows!:redface2:

Well, today's announcements have solved the mystery. 10 Walfisch available at $499 per. It is a beaut. -- Al
Well, today's announcements have solved the mystery. 10 Walfisch available at $499 per. It is a beaut. -- Al

Actually there appear to be 15 of them, and this time all 15 aircraft have the same color scheme so it will be interesting to see if this allows for sales at a rate that is a little more "consumer-friendly".

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