That is a wonderful ship! Congrats on the pickup. Just out of curiosity, how much did that cost to add to your collection?
Congratulations Martyn. You now own one of 18. TommyHere it is...
HMS LION from the Crimean War series
I had been after one of these for a long time and started to think I would never add this boat to my collection....until I spoke to Clive Gande at the London Toy Soldier Show, thanks again mate :salute::
If you would like to see more pictures I will be posting some in the Crimean War and New Additions threads, I have added the Royal Marine contingent to a few of these pictures
Martyn, what a nice addition to your collection.
Congratulations Martyn. You now own one of 18. Tommy
What an addition indeed Martyn! ^&cool........This must be the centre piece of your Crimean collection - what a very nice model.
Jeff :salute::
What an addition indeed Martyn! ^&cool........This must be the centre piece of your Crimean collection - what a very nice model.
Jeff :salute::
Something like that is the centerpiece of a collection, notwithstanding all the great pieces Martyn has.
Now, he just needs to get the other two and he will be allllllllll set! ^&grin
No doubt about it, she is a beaut. Would have lots of slots in my series from Sudan to WW1, for this boat to steam into. Certainly a centre piece to any collection, well done you. Robin.
It is a lovely set for sure
Well done
Look forward to seeing it in the flesh sometime
Maybe Mike can make a Little Legion version.
What a beauty Martyn, congratulations on a fabulous addition to your collection. Difficult to pick a Trophy favorite, but the HMS Lion has to be right at the top of the list. Way to go mate, very well done indeed.
{bravo}} {bravo}} {bravo}}
B. :salute::