Shannon Reuss
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  • A late Merry Christmas and that in a few hours we may all have a Great New Year! Happy New year and let us keep in touch.....many more pictures to come in 2012, now that the last Treefrog order was delivered by Santa........
    A very merry Christmas and a happy new year to you and Pete Shannon, thanks for your efforts in running this forum, much appreciated.
    All the best
    Dear. dear shannon, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, thank you!
    I finally, despite myself, got on.regards,
    Dr Terry B, Age 71, but who's counting?
    Hi Shannon. Sorry Rob and I are missing the show this year. Hope you are doing well. As you may remember I had my surgery right after the show last year and so far as of 9/22/2010 I have lost 209 lbs. Say hello to everyone for us. Hope to see you next year. Doug
    Yeah looks awesome thanks Shannon if i ever get to Chicago will hav e to get to your town and meet you and the girls.
    Shannon, just wanted to say how much I love how on Treefrog how you guys have the 360 view!:D It is beyond helpful when deciding what looks worthy of purchasing!:)

    Hi Shannon,
    Living in Africa I was not aware of the 25th May, thank you for informing us of this special day in the USA.
    Brian, if you accidently posted duplicate threads you need to use the 'report a post' icon to show the mods where the posts are and what the problem is with them. The 'report a post' icon is at the top right hand corner of each post and when you use it it will immediately send an email to all mods with a link to the problem post. Contact me or any mod if you have any trouble with this. Regards, Shannon
    happy Birthdays from the dutch kc club and all the best from the netherlands .
    to you shannon and peter .
    greetings richard .
    "Aren't we all sick of politics in the world and in business? So by all means, let's not bring it into our home, yard, and playground, our interactions with our neighbors and friends." Don Aslett
    Shannon, Thank you for letting us see the pictures from your trip. Very cool to see all the nice people from BG
    Thank you once again Shannon for spending the time to spoil us once more. Very impressed with the way the Glossy by Mfg. Master Thread turned out. Thanks again Lady Shannon....Joe
    Hi Shannon,

    I very much enjoyed viewing the pictures in your John Jenkins Designs album. Thank you for posting these photos!

    Warmest personal regards,

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