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  • Hi,
    Thanks for all the info, not knowing where to start ( and where to leave my beloved glossy collecting ) is also how I feel. Probably will be more selective with Imperial and Britains and have a slow go at Connoisseur:D. I´ve sent you a friendship request, because very friendly is exactly what you've been. Pop up if you ever come to Portugal!


    Just seen your album, these figures are stunning and inspirational, congrats on your excellent taste!
    Paulo, this is such a broad topic, I would not know where to start. As you know, you get what you pay for.

    I do like painted kits and have Seil and Pegaso - even in my album.

    The selection of German knights (incl. the Teutonic knights) is very limited and I mostly purchased individual knights from Russia. I decided against the ones from Berlin solely because of the base (stone) - not because I worried about the quality.

    The other issue with German knights is that at the end of the 13th century they left for Prussia and continued their crusade in the East. Therefore, the drop dead point in time is the battle of Acre for the German knights in the Holy Land (1291). I believe Aeroart's Teutonic Knights are from a later period - they fit better in the East than in the Holy Land. Further, all other Russian manufacturers lhave a preference for the Eastern theatre.

    More later, if I may.
    Been surfing around historical min. and 2 periods are catching my eye: Roman Empire and Teutonic/Russian clash 13th century ( Alexander Nevski, etc. ). Have found that many figs are painted kits from Andrea, Pegaso and others. I really don't do painting so will have to shell out some € if I get into this. There are German sites that paint and assemble the kits, but I am afraid of them being too frail when compared with the real Russian figures. What's your experience with kits, even if assembled and painted ( like the Seil ones )? There is a good range for the Teutonic/Russian period from Ant MIniatures ( they look fine on photo ), also Ant have Russians to fight the Teutonic. I remember an old Russian film about the lake battle, by Eisenstein?. I see that you also like this period, don't you?:).
    From our German friends: /www.miniatures-berlin.de/ and http://www.zinnfigur.com/

    Thank you very much for your message. This is extremely helpful. I appreciate the input.
    Regards, Andreas
    [Message continued from below] One nice thing about them is that the bonding points for the vulnerable (for any producer) arms, hands and weapons are at the shoulder and wrist joints, each with a clear male/female socket. This discourages breakage at more complicated repair points and makes reattaching those parts at those points a snap. These are quality figures, much more realistically proportioned and painted than the K&C or CS Napoleonics I have. Overall I think they have set the mark for this period and I am really looking forward to more. I intend using K&C, CS and maybe a few TinBay figures only to fill gaps in units or poses at this point. I really think they will not disappoint you.
    Cheers, Bill
    Yes I have some Barvarians and several French line infantry. The Barvarians were their first effort and while beautiful are a wee bit smaller and a triffle more delicate than the latter releases, like the Wurttembergs or Westphalians or British. I don't have any from either of those three lines (yet) but I know they may some factory changes after the first production run of the French to make them more durable. The current French are stronger than the first run French and every thing following is stronger still. All figures after the Barvarians are the same size and about the same height but less bulky than K&C. It is said the the French Artillery figures are slightly larger but not some much as to present a display issue. The Barvarians also look OK with the French but not as good with K&C. [To be continued, had to break for size limits]
    I couldn't help noticing your interest in the First Legion figures. Do you have the Murat set or any others? I have 14 or so French infantry and a group of the Guards and mounted officers on pre-order.
    Cheers, Bill
    Great albums, I see you like both glossy figures and matte ( connoisseur that is ). Same with me, I am trying to focus on Imperial and Britains FIW, also have some Durbar Britains Elephants and sets, but connoisseur figures like your's are stunning art. Have you dealt with http://www.soldierart.com/?

    Thank you for all the encouragement. I will continue to update my albums as I go along.

    As you can see, they do not only show my own collection, but research results and noteworthy collections of others as well. I think I would like to continue with that concept.
    Hi Andanna really enjoyed looking through your albums fantastic durbar collection, excellent pictures of the real durbar thanks for sharing, makes me want to extend my durbar collection especially with elephants
    Regards john
    Hi Andanna, great to find so many good historic photos. Very helpful in my opinion. Thank you for sharing with other colectors.
    Best regards from Germany Marcus
    Hi Andanna,

    You are welcome. Having viewed your figures, I do not believe you need any recommendations! You are doing an outstanding job of collecting Beau Geste figures, of researching the Durbar, and of sharing your knowledge with us. How could anyone possibly improve upon that? ;)

    Warmest personal regards,

    Pat :)
    Hi Andanna,

    I just finished viewing your albums and what a great set of pictures you have included! Your Durbar collection is amazing and I appreciate you sharing it with us. I look forward to seeing more of your collection as it increases is size and scope.

    Warmest personal regards,

    Pat :)
    Hi Andanna
    Thanks, you have a great collection yourself and also a fantastic picture of the Red Fort, very impressive architecture.
    Hi Andanna

    I got the note about the book and will see what I can find. I have yet to locate one in the states for a good price. Also I took a look at Dutkins site they have some of the trees but they are pricey I think you can do better.

    Dave, I need to be at home (presently in the office), but there is for example an electronic copy of Menpes' book "DURBAR" on the web.
    Hi Andanna

    I have seen all of these except one where did you find the Menpes print with three elephants in it? I think you have amassed some great photos and look forward to more discussions in the future!
    All the best
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