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  • Hey Cap, I notice one of your interests is confederate artillery . Wonder what kind of guns you use. We have a 1/1 Steen reproduction of a 10lber Parrott Rifle here as well as a 5/8 scale 1841 smooth bore
    Bill Webb, #2, 1st lgt batt. c.v.
    Ron sounds great I would really enjoy meeting another collector. Cant make the May show but probably in the Fall. Nasir, the collecting is slow but am busy painting lots of figures. So life is good!
    Captain - I plan on being there - I haven't done a Show in a long time - lets grab coffee and chat.
    All going well Captain and hope like wise at your end and nice to hear from you. Great job with your May Calender looking forward to seeing what you have for June.
    Hi Capt
    How are you?How goes the war?
    Not much going on here.Lots of work on the ship right now,not alot of time for painting right now.I hope I can find time this weekend.I have a Nap artillery set to start painting.Keep in touch.
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