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  • DD,

    Good question but don't have an answer. On some of these gates, I beleive that some were and some were not painted. I think I've seen or been told of gates where collectors did it themselves.

    Still a great piece though.


    I guess you collect Trophy as well. Do you collect just the Boxer series? As for the K&C tigers, I spoke to Louis and it seems like the ones made in China were not uniform, so some had more detailing than others (several hatches that opened, blackout lights etc.), but were more detailed than those made in the Phillipines. I wish you luck in trying to find them - they are unique pieces and worth hunting for. All the best, Lawrence
    I just picked-up another Tiger which is different from the others I have. Also picked-up a Halftrack with towed 88mm gun. I have posted photos in my album. Have a great weekend. Lawrence
    Thank you for your comments. I hope you were not affected by the floods. I am happy to see you purchased the K&C book. My favorite wood/resin tank of K&C is the Stug. I do like the Tiger as well. They still come up sometimes, so you never know. I will let you know if I come across one. All the best, Lawrence
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