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  • Hi Mike,

    Glad you like them. I have a bunch of photos to post but dont have time right now. I am also expanding my vignette collection of figures I have discovered here in Germany and Flea Markets. I just found three really great figures in Italy at a small shop in Florence! One of them is an an amazing composition figure of an Italian Soldier releasing a carrier pigeon. Very cool figure in my opinion and I had to have it as soon as I saw it! Will post an album soon if the travels allow.
    Hi Dave. Just had a great time going slowly through your Durbar gallery. What a beatiful collection! So nice to see the massed ranks of those colourful figures.
    Now, on to your Vintage Britains pictures....
    Dave ,

    I have all my albums tweaked on my profile page now...check them out when you get a chance...
    I noticed just recently a poster looking for help on some figures he bought in Austria , the bases looked really similiar to the one's i picked up in Hungary , the shop keeper told him they were Russian manufactered but did not know the actual maker...
    Hi Guys,

    Had a great Christmas here in Germany! The kids were a ton of fun and we have transformers and legos all over the house! Wishing all my friends a Very happy New Year!
    Hi Dave,
    Haven't quite got the hang of these private messages yet but I hope I have now got it right. I have posted more comprehensive pictures of both the Mk IV and Mk VI Vickers light tanks on the Yeomanry Miniatures thread under "More Glossy Manufactures" . I can supply both tanks with hatches closed now. However I am investigating producing a set of markings for each tank and commissioning Alan to make sets of figures for each tank but they will not be available until after the New Year. It is planned to have crews available to go in the turrets of the tanks as well as crews standing alongside them. The tank assembled and painted is £124.95. The kit, when it is available, will be £79.95 and crews will be extra. the cost of the crews will depend on whether the set is a two or three piece set but there will, of course, be a discount if the crew is purchased with the tank.


    Hi Dave,

    Sorry to bother you, but has the photo attachment size been increased from the 97.8 KB? I was just able to attach a photo that was 121 KB, which in the past I would not have been able to do. Thanks.

    Hi Dave,
    Thanks for your message. I can be contacted by E-mail on or by post to Flat 10, Dolphin Lodge, Grand Avenue, Worthing, BN11 5AL, United Kingdom. I can send you a list of the figures currently produced which are all cavalry related. This is about to change as I am largely concentrating on WW1 for the remainder of the year and some infantry will creep into the list. At the present time the main period covered by my list covers 1881 - 1939. However, I do produce kits of Capt William Morris and Capt Lewis Nolan of Light Brigade fame, to which I am about to add John Brown III, Morris's orderly Trumpeter.

    If you'd like to send me your address I would be happy to let you have a copy of my list. It is not practical to E-mail it as it currently runs to some 40 pages at A4 size.

    I look forward to hearing from you.


    G'day Dave, Sorry I have not replied until now mate. I'm learning how to use this forum. I live in Newcastle NSW about 2 hours drive north of Sydney. I plan to do some photos of my 54mm stuff this comming week, and later put up my figurine sculpts which I mount in bottles. What toy soldier area are you into? Cheers, Johno.
    Emmerill's inbound. Sorry it took so long, I wanted to wait till after the Symposium. Richard gave me a Britain's polo shirt that I was thinking about dropping into the box for you is nice looking so......I'm keepin it :)) BUT- If I ever score another, it's all your's my friend.
    the new Durbar buildings from Britains- the "Facade" type market and I forget the name of the other- think they would work for a modern Iraq? AM thinking about getting them for that. I am also looking at the Secundah Bagh wall section (from the VC Cross collection) as scenics in Iraq as well.
    Thanks Dave. I waited a long time for that set and it is one of my favorities. I have never seen it for sale. Glad you liked the camel Afgan band which I think is neat and unusual. Best regards, Tommy
    the funny thing about those KE's- the yellow pieces that hold the toy- if you squeeze those things just right- you can launch the lid off at a potential egg thief!! :) My brother and i used to set up our plastic army guys and blow em to hell with those things!! That's probably the real concern from customs- those yellow "poppers" :)
    Hi Tommy,

    I will join the group gladly but I cant post any photos until I get settled in Germany and I just found out our house hold good will not arrive in Germany until mid October. Am looking forward to getting my stuff back under control.

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