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  • Thanks Gebhard, I'm glad you like my work. An artist is always happy to hear appreciative comments.
    Welcome back from vacation Gebhard. Hope it was relaxing! Now you can catch up on the threads...

    Hi, Gebhard, your mailbox is full, so I'm posting a response here to your PM:

    Servus, Gebhard! Doch, doch, hab's erhalten, habe aber die PM's vernachlässigt und habe gemeint, Dir zu schreiben und für die Informationen über Hotel zu danken. Ich habe die Pläne noch nicht fertig gemacht, doch freue mich schon drauf.

    Nochmals, vielen Dank für den Tipp!

    I feel honored likewise Gebhard. ACW aand AWI just seem like a good fit for me. When considering that my W.Britain farm house and out buidings and scenics and all of my H&A dio bases and scenics faciliate their use for either an 18th or 19th century time period, I couldn't resist the ability of having "dual purpose" set ups. As much as I have been a big fan of Ken Osen sculpting skills and a supporter of W. Britian ACW, I must admit that I have been quite taken by these FL AWI Grenadiers - they are just incredible. Glad to be on board . . . . .
    Hey Bud- negative on selling my Romans- my inference was that I would place my King and Country on the Bay- the St Pete and other Russian Romans (As well as all my others) would stay where they are :)
    It's me again,
    I realize that "smiley" is in the URL links.
    You have to copy the address and replace the "smiley" by a colon :)).
    It must be good with this correction.Regards.Guy.
    Hi Gebhard, crusaders are not my favorite range-but without doubt they look great. Got the new highlanders yesterday and love them! Congratulation to your brilliant winterised Chasseurs-looks really fantastic ! What ? Plassenburg ? September? Would be great to show you my collection- I am only 2,5 hours from the Plassenburg-come on Gebhard ! best Marcus
    Hi Gebhard, fantastic new albums ! WC 2010 3rd place for our German team was not so bad.-You have so brilliant battle scene paintings on your Napoleonic Images album. Is there one single newer book, where I can find them ? Or are these scenics from a lot of different books ? I am eagerly waiting for my new FL Highlander, which I will receive next week-how about you? All the best from Germany Marcus
    Not yet, I am still building the ranks and the bits and pieces needed to do some series like Rebs. In particular I am waiting for Matt's Cuirassiers, French line replacements and perhaps the heavy British Dragoons for some more critical mass. I would also love some RHA and French Dragoons but I suspect those are down the road quite a bit. I am hopeful that we will see the Rifles later this year. In any event, I doubt I will use the album here since the photo size is so limiting.
    Gebhard, I feel honored by your friend request. Thank you very much.

    I know we both collect the Napoleonics and WWII ranges from FL. Any others you are interested in?

    I have the Delhi Durbar from Beau Geste and the Samurai at Sekigahara from Monarch Regalia.
    Bonjour Gebhard,
    Thank you for your compliments and your accueil.Avant to register on this forum, I hesitated because I speak very little English, but thanks to Google translator, I "launched "!!!!!
    I hope that my introductory post in French on the forum is understandable when translated by google? Regards.
    Hi Gebhard-London was brilliant. I purchased the Florence Nightingale set from FIGARTI, a beautiful painted Highland Piper from Russia (Lead legion ?) and some 5 GBP-figures from del prado. I got two very fine give away figures (K&C and FIGARTI). West Ham lost in a 0:4 desaster vs.ManU. I was frustrated, but decided to go the next day to Fulham-Sunderland (1:0), which was a very fine match ! Hope you are well and have a nice pre-christmas-time Marcus
    Hello Gebhard!
    I could not send you a message - got this : "Gebhard has exceeded their stored private messages quota and cannot accept further messages until they clear some space."
    Anyway - we don´t celebrate Thanksgiving in Denmark, but i wish to thank you very much for your kind thoughts. All the best to you and yours! Best regards Heinrich
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