kilted vampire
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  • Hi Vamp,

    I am sorry to hear about your job loss. The loss of a job truely does "stink on ice." Hang in there! You cannot keep a good Vampire down long!

    Warmest personal regards,

    Got let go today. I had a sneaking suspicion because there was a new guy who worked for a lot less. I guess he will learn but it stinks on ice. I am mad but it was probably time to go. The guy had a convienent way of forgetting when he went cheap on a job and then blamed me for his problems. That was getting kind of old. So now it is time to look for side jobs and what not. Good thing I manage the building I live in.
    Do not forget to join the Bloody Mary Lounge. Add pictures of yourself and interests so we can get to know you better.

    Message for the Day: Say hello to a complete stanger today. You might just make a new friend. At the very least you might make their day and you will feel better.
    some of you have seen the remarks about not being twice dead or a daywalker. As Vampire lore continues to develope. A new line of thought is that some vampires are born. For a vampire to reach full power a Vamp has to die,first death. The Vamp disorder kicks in and then reaches full power but loses the ability to walk during the day. That is what scions or familiars are for. They do the bidding of the full blown once dead Vamps. The twice dead is for keeps.
    I have been meaning to ask you but did you not sell the entire collection on e bay
    If you visit here please feel free to send a friendship request and or join the social group K Vs, Bloody Mary Lounge. Add pics say hi to other guests. What ever. This is part of our great hobby!
    Hi Vamp,

    I would like to discuss the Hocker elephant with you. Please send me a pm with proposed details. Thanks!

    Warmest personal regards,

    Checking to see if your squared away on the Collector Cards my Lord General. Let me know if you need any help with them .Your Aide De Camp
    Thanks for befriending me oh fanged one. May the light of day never fall upon you or your collection
    Hallo kilted vampire,
    I have Whitmans Tiger sale. How is your idea about price?
    Best regards Tom
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