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  • Hi Konrad - your album is brilliant - I did not know, how beautiful figures from TRADITION could be with an excellent painting as you have - my favorite is Seydlitz - congratulations and best regards from Germany Marcus
    Hi Luiz,
    about two weeks ago I saw several of the Britains Premier WWI artillery sets offered on ebay by mklmodels (I believe) for very decent prices. There was a German set with gun and limber and 4 crew as well as a US gun and limber set with 4 crew. Both were offered like for about $60.00 each.
    Even with shipping from the U.K. that are fair prices.
    Currently they are not up anymore but MKL Models do have a website and it might be worth contacting them directly.
    Have a great Thanksgiving weekend and I talk to you later.
    Hi Konrad,
    Any insight and to where we could source british ( late Victorian era and WW1 ) sets.
    Being off the beaten track of toy soldier collecting I need to relay on internet shopping. If you have any tips please drop me a line.
    HI Konrad: I was looking forward to seeing you at Chicago but I guess you missed it this year. I left Sat. afternoon and did not go to the show. Hope all is well. John
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