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  • Here's wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year full of peace, prosperity, health and happiness....and ofcourse lots of toy soldiers to choose from! Hopefully this summer when I've moved I'll be able to take some of my collection out of storage and display it and photograph it for the forum members to enjoy.......I know thats my favourite part.
    A very Merry Christmas Al, hope 2012 is a great one for you.
    All the best
    I agree regarding Midway- it was just huge!! Whenever I watch a documentary on that slugfest- I cringe- cannot imagine what that was like!!
    in fact, if any of my sons buy a tiger tank instead of taking a nice looking young lady out- my hand will be the first to smack them upside the head- gotta have your priorities right!! :)
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