Lewey Gun Vick
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  • Jake mate,
    That sound fantastic cobber. I spent 15 great years in the Aussie Army in the Armoured Corp. A Cavarly Regiment (Armoured Recon) using M113A1. Are you off to boot camp?? What branch of the service do you want to end up in??? I could see you as a dashing young Cavalry Officer.
    Take care my young mate and enjoy your new career. The first three months are always the hardest. Please keep me updated on your journey along the Military road.
    Cheers Howard
    Hello Young Ranger!! HOOAH!!! You must be very pround and excited. I know your family is probably immensely proud of you as well. Congratulations for such an amazing choice. You WILL NOT regret it!! 38 minutes aint shabby. Did you have a load? PT test is great news!! Keep up the hard work and discipline. Careful around graduation time, dont let anyone do something stupid around you or you make a bad choice. Too much riding on that my friend. Great job!! CC
    Congrats on signing up and serving. A Navy friend's son just completed SEAL training. Great to see family tradition of military service continue during these difficult times. I am sure your family and friends are proud of you as Chris and I are. Ranger school will be an incredible experience. Most of my friends are Navy folk, but the Ranger tab is highly respected even in the Navy community. I wish you the best and keep us posted. All the best, Lawrence
    Hey Jake, Great to hear from you. Looks like you are keeping yourself busy. If memory serves me correctly, you are going the airborne route. Hope all is going well with that. Also, still have that SF set for you. Take care and keep me posted. If you are ever in NY, give me a holler. All the best, Lawrence
    Congratulations and Welcome to the brotherhood!! You will do just fine and will no doubt do yourself, your family and everyone great honor. Amazing that you leave almost 22 years to the day that I left!! ( july 25, 1990 :))
    I'm immensely proud of you. Sounds like you have a tremendous family military heritage so you better not mess it up!! lol. Congratulations on this important step in what will be a very rewarding life.
    Rangers all the way my young friend!! Cannot ask for a better ranger than yourself- go get em bud!! Currahee!!
    NEVER give any props to a sailor- ANY - EVER !! :) Just kidding. I hope you and your father are having a blast. i wish LIKE CRAZY i was in Arizona!! I keep threatening my family that I am going to pack up, sell the house and relocate us to Sunny AZ :) My son, age 15, and I had a really cool wrestling match last night- I had him pinned to the floor after he had me in a choke hold and I was hitting him with a broomstick till he grabbed a moving box and threw it at my face and put a cut over my eye!! My wife came down to see what was going on and she started screaming at us!! We both howled in laughter and he went back to xBox and I looked to get in trouble elsewhere :) Good times in Currahee country my friend.
    Ahh!! I see- still, your father is high speed, low drag- I will talk to my uncle- former Ranger instructor- pehaps he might have some nuggets of wisdom for you.
    Squared away Jake!!! You stay focused on that tab buddy- the pain is temporary- the pride is forever. Your dad- he's a historical artifact :) Very very few people jumped into Grenada- really much more rare than the DDay drops. Oh- also- do pullups- lot's of em- builds up upper body strength!!
    If you are looking to go Army- Run, Push, Sit, repeat, repeat, repeat. Swimming is good too. Also, learn the compass and map reading. Know it inside and out. Learn how to fire and MAINTAIN a weapon- lot's can shoot- more to it than that. Also, go to www.globalsecurity.org and look up the army FM's- your dad can show you- take a look at the "Smartbook" and read it a few times before BCT.
    resigned his commission?? Was he an officer? I was thinking he was a grunt like moi. Anyway, I was there from Jan 1991- Jan 1992.
    :) Glad to keep you entertained my "young" friend!! :) Also, thanks for the words of appreciation, they never ever get old.
    Your friend- CC
    "3 UP, 3 DOWN!!"
    So you have completely stopped collecting Britains then? I found that Britains have only offered a trickle of WW2 releases in recent years so ive focused on K&C aswell!!! I still collect Zulu War & Redcoats from Britains thought. Anything in mind you want for christmas? Im hoping for the Firefly & Cromwell as still haven't got round to picking them up!

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