Lewey Gun Vick
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  • No problem mate, and both Matt and Danny are in the boxes and in perfect condition, no parts missing, or broke, the Matt figure was already dressed when I bought him two years ago, so don't worry about anything being defferent!:)

    Sounds great mate, will the bridge be raised off the ground?:)
    Hey mate how you doing?:D

    Bridge coming along nicely?:D

    Remind me again which figures is it you want from the Rangers?:)
    that's ok mate looking forward to seeing your bridge diorama when its finished don't forget to post some photos

    Cheers Craig.
    Ah..A U2 fan are we? I was a huge fan until Joshua Tree came out, then every Tom,Dick and Harriet jumped on the bandwagon.
    Vick - If you are talking about the edge work on the diorama table, it is covered with a slurry of Celluclay (consistency of thick outmeal) which has been smoothed out with a palet knife. Once dry, I painted it black with a water base paint I got from Michael's. Try to find my old thread in the "How To" section I believe entitled "How I make my desert scenics" for some ideas.

    Was really good!:D

    By the way, there is a shop here which sells Britains WW2, had the olf shot up Storch set and, just today there wasa w.Britains Representative handing over new WW2 single figures to the shop owner!:eek:

    Want me to sniff around and see if there is anything new there that you might like, then I can get back to you?:)
    You've got some background mate!:D

    My Granda Wallace, my living Granny's husband, was in the Pioneer Corps, the ones who went in before the rest of the army to clear everything up!:D

    He died before I could meet him:(But my mum and gran always say that he's absolutely love m!:D
    Unfortunately, my mum is going on holiday that week, and my dad is not really too interested in toy soldiers, plus my gran lives with us, so we have to look after her, I love her staying with us but, always keeps me in amazing company!:D
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