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  • A late Merry Christmas and that in a few hours we may all have a Great New Year! Happy New year and let us keep in touch.
    Hi Michel, today I got my Toy soldier magazine and liked to inform you about a brilliant story with very fine pictures regarding our theme "elephants". Well- after some minutes I realiced, that it is your own story ! so congratulation ! well done !
    best regrads from Germany
    Hi Michel,

    I just finished viewing your albums and enjoyed all of your photographs. You have a most impressive collection and I especially like your bands. I will certainly watch for more entries in your albums in the future!

    Warmest personal regards,

    Pat :)
    Thanks picture 82 is Imperials HS1 set cameron Highlanders on parade , Egypt/ Sudan
    which was my holy grail for a long time .
    Regards Rob
    Hi Michel,

    I just received it today, it was in my junk mail folder (Good thing I check that too!!) Many thanks for your response. You collection is great !!!! Love the photos. I am thinking of starting to collct the series there are also sets on ebay so I don;t think it would be a problem to collect most of them. My favourites would have to be the carriages and all of the mounted figures. I also like the waterboatmen, the lifeguard band. So difficult to choose as I like all things that are ceremonial and relating to the Royal family

    Thanks again

    Just browsing through your new pictures and WOW you have made my day by posting your Golden Jubilee series. I am thinking of collecting some of the pieces as I think they look beautiful. DO you have the complete set? and what are your thoughts on them?


    Hi Michel thanks for your compliments!! You have some great pictures aswell love the mounted sets you have!!
    Cheers Craig,
    Dave, Thanks for the comments. To be honest I'm now also really sorry to have sold some of the bands (especially the mounted one). But sometimes I need to make some room (and cash) for new acquisitiions. I guess most of us face the same problem. Cheers, Michel
    The Mounted Bands and Elephants are amazing sorry you decided to sell a few of the bands they are really lovely sets!

    Hi, michel, thanks for sharing the album, that's quite a collection of bands! Have you ever set up a massed tattoo of your bands?

    Hi, michel, thanks for sharing the album, that's quite a collection of bands! Have you ever set up a massed tattoo of your bands?

    Hi Michel, thank you for your message. I contacted fleurbaixtoysoldiers. The set is painted and about 300 GBP incl. shipping. Did you pay as much as this price ? Kind regards Marcus
    Hi Michel, I looked at your new elephant album and I must say: absolutely fantastic. I love them all. what is dissapointing concerning the HIRIAT? Seems on the photo as well as the other ones. Cheers Marcus
    Hi Michel, if and when you see another elephant battery like yours (UtF), please tell me.I really like it and would like to purchase one. Maybe I will find one at the London toy soldier show 6th of december. Will you be there ? cheers Marcus
    Excellent collection. I like elephant batteries and collect them.I have one ofTRADITION and one of Kingcast. Unfortunately I did not purchase this one of UtF. Do you know the price you payed ? Best regards from Germany HADRIAN (Marcus)
    Just looked at your band collection, love the mounted bands, bet thats an impressive sight all of them paraded together.
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