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  • What a wonderful collection you have.
    I enjoyed looking at the pictures of it that Brad posted.

    It was really nice meeting you and I wanted to apologize again for cutting you short on Saturday. I always love to talk LAX, and I do want to hear the rest of that Ohio story. I actually regretted leaving early. Two hours is just not enough time at Louis' and I missed out on some things I wanted see - especially the fire sale. But as I had noted on Saturday, LAX pays for the toy soldiers. I just looked at your albums, and discovered that you're also a NAP collector. That's a terrific dio. And that room is well decorated. You've got a fine collection there. NAPS are my only range, except for a special "Other Ranges" collection of K&C ranges/sub ranges in foot soldiers. It keeps me from being bored. Give me a shot if you like and we can carry on the conversation. My computer is very wonky when it comes to getting on the forum and haven't figured out why. Also I don't have one at home, so I might not respond immediately.

    All the best,

    Joe Roy(Ghostrider)
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