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  • Hello Clinton - I wanted to let you know how inpressed I have always been with the pictures of your Napoleonic dioramas, especially the ones in your Assault On Hougoumont album. So much so that today I was able to get a really really good deal on the Hougoumont Chateau North Gate, the Hougoumont Well, 2 straight wall sets, and the corner walls & gate set. Got them all at below suggested retail, mint/new in original boxes. Hope to someday create a diorama as dramatic as yours. Cheers

    I posted some new pictures this morning in the K&C section under the thread title "On to Jerusalem". I briefly mentioned doing these in our telephone chat - I think you will find them interesting. Mike
    I wanted to let you know how thoroughly I enjoyed our telephone conversation yesterday evening. Some more thoughts about your plans for a Crusader siege diorama. During the Third Crusade, after the fall of Acre, the Crusaders marched south down the Med coast line in what is known as the "Fighting March". Saladin used some delaying tactics as he fell back to defend Jerusalem at Ascalon, Latrun, Ramla, and Jaffa (Sept-Oct 1191). Although Saladin ended up demolishing the castles at Ascalon and Ramla, King Richard's plans had been to march against both of these Saracen strongholds. You could create a "what if" (Saladin had not destroyed these castles) diorama and have your Crusaders siege Ascalon or Ramla. Ascalon was also under sieige and battle during the First Crusade in August 1099. You colud also do the seige of Damascus which occured during the Second Crusade in July 1148. Just some thoughts. Again, great chat -

    Hi Octavian thanks for the friends invite, just looking at your albums again the Assault on Hougemont is brilliant, what size area does that take up it looks massive in the pics
    Regards John
    Thank you for your friend request, I have also sent you one ( automatic ). By the way, last week saw Australia, the movie, liked it a lot: great landscapes, makes one wanna visit!

    Very nice albums, especially liked the Hougomont storyline and the diorama bases.
    Really enjoyed your dioramas pictured in your albums, especially the Napoleonic one. Any dios of Crusaders? Mike
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